Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Memorise: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom 10:17).
Read: Romans 10:16-18
Many people who intend to make contact with the Lord may be lost in the crowd except God's mercy works in their favour. This season, in any way you have been hindered by a crowd, the mercy of God will fish you out in Jesus name. Another lesson from the story of blind Bartimaeus recorded in Mark 10:46-52 is that God's mercy can make you hear what will connect you with your breakthrough. What you hear is very important because it can affect your thoughts and actions. This is one reason you should surround yourself with people who can positively affect your faith by what they say. If you associate with optimists, you will likely continue to strive towards your goal. But if you frolic with pessimists, you will give up on your goal. What kind of company do you keep? What kind of words do you listen to?
It was what Bartimaeus heard that prompted his crying out. Until he heard that Jesus was passing his way, he was quietly begging for alms. The moment he heard this good news, he began to cry out for mercy. Until he heard Jesus was passing by, he was focused on men, but after he heard of the Lord's itinerary, he changed his focus. What you hear can change your focus. If you are still concentrating on men for that job or assistance, it is because you have not heard the right word. Today, many are discouraged because they cannot hear the information or prophetic utterance that will take them to the next level. The link between your present level and the next is information. May you hear what will take you to your next level today! When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus passed by, he began to shout. What you hear can provoke the spirit of violence that you need to possess your possession. The prayers of many believers are so cold that they may never receive an answer from God, except by an act of divine mercy. Brethren, the truth is, you are either saying a prayer of tolerance or a prayer of violence. For many years, Bartimaeus prayed a prayer of tolerance and got nothing. It took his hearing the right information to switch his prayer mode. The word that will provoke you to change your prayer mode and connect you to your breakthrough will reach you today. What are you hearing?
Key Point:
If you pray wrong, you will not get an answer. But if you pray right, it may take you few minutes to get your answer. What is your prayer like? Pray right.
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