Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thu, 31/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Thursday, March  31st, 2011

One Meal, Multiple Healings
Memorise: "He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes." (Psalm 105:37).
Read: Psalm 105:36-38 
The Holy Communion is a powerful meal. When God was about to lead His children from Egypt into the Promised Land, a journey of several years, He looked at their state. This was not a journey for the sickly or weak person. There was no way they could leave the aged, the children, the sick, the injured, the pregnant women or nursing mothers behind; all had to go at the same time. While the strong and healthy looked forward to that journey, the weak, sick and feeble did not. No sick person in right mind would want to embark on such a laborious journey. So, in order to achieve complete wellness, total healing and fitness, God gave them a meal. The night they took the Passover meal, all sicknesses disappeared from their bodies. Weakness, tiredness and pains were replaced by divine strength. Suddenly, those who were not looking forward to the journey immediately packed their bags and baggages ready to march out. In one night, a nation was healed! What a meal! Is there a journey or project you are about to embark on but lack the strength, wisdom, clear vision and other resources to start? Do you know that if you can key into the next communion with faith, all you need to embark on that journey would be provided?
Another lesson here is that if a nation can be healed, then whole states can be healed; whole cities can be healed; whole communities and villages can be healed; whole lineages can be healed; whole tribes can be healed; also, whole families can be healed. You and your family are not designed to be weak but to be strong. If members of your family- nuclear and extended-can call on the Lord, receive Him into their hearts and take the Holy Communion in faith, they can all be healed. With one uncommon meal God can heal you, your family, and lineage, of a generational curse. As you go to take the Holy Communion this season, ask the Lord to use that single meal to deliver multiple healings or deliverances to you and your family.

Key Point:The Holy Communion is a stone that can kill several birds. Partake of it wisely. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wed, 30/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Wednesday, March  30th, 2011

Relations, Not Spared

Memorise: "And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand against the LORD's anointed, and be guiltless?" (1 Sam 26:9).
Read: 2 Samuel 6:20-23 
Apart from sin and breaking God's order on the Holy Communion, another cause of sickness among believers is the wrong use of the tongue-particularly in speaking against the anointed of God. In Numbers 12:1-16, Miriam and Aaron were not happy that Moses married an Ethiopian woman. That became a subject of discussion to the extent that they began to say unprintable things about their younger brother who was the leader of the nation. Though Moses refrained from taking up issues with the leaders of the revolt who were his own siblings, God did something about it. God's response brought about the worst disease outbreak of their day-leprosy, upon Miriam. But for Moses' intercession, the leader of the Israeli women in the wilderness could have died a leper! If God's reaction in verse 8 is anything to go by, you must handle God's anointed with care. You must be afraid to speak against, gossip about, or instigate people against a truly anointed servant of God. And if you hurt God's anointed, even if he or she refuses to do something about it, God will defend His anointing on His anointed!

Many people have pegged their progress and contracted different types of diseases that defy prayers and medication because they have spoken against the Lord's anointed. Even when God's anointed does wrong or errs, do not make the fellow a subject of gossip; it is dangerous to do so. Do you know that gossiping about men of God is a fast way of losing God's unction and power? If after spending hours in God's presence, fellowshipping and basking in His glory, you talk down your pastor, the result will be that all you gathered for several hours will leak out in a matter of minutes! Barrenness became a permanent feature in the life of Michal, David's wife, because she spoke against her husband who was God's anointed. God will not spare relations who violate His anointed! For wrong use of her tongue against her husband, Michal became one of the few women who started and ended up barren. Wives, stop speaking against your husbands! Children, stop speaking against your parents, particularly when they are servants of God! You can get your fingers burnt!

Key Point:Some mouths attract sicknesses others attract healings. What does your mouth attract? 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tue, 29/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Tuesday, March  29th, 2011

Partiality Not Allowed

Memorise: "But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors" (James 2:9).
Read: James 2:1-9 
According to James 3:17, God's wisdom is not partial. In other words, it does not discriminate. As a believer in Christ, you must not be partial or discriminatory. Discrimination is one of Satan's divisive tools in the church of God. In the Early Church, during the revival, some church workers began to discriminate in their service. They gladly served some people while others were deliberately neglected. It took the intervention of the apostles to arrest this anomaly (Acts 6:1-7). If you are partial, Satan is using you to divide the Body of Christ. Moreover, today's reading raises crucial issues relating to partiality in the church of Christ. The first is that the Christian faith does not support the preferring of the rich over the poor. In God's Kingdom, all are equal and should be given equal treatment and opportunities. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28).
Unfortunately, in some places, the criteria for appointing leaders is their material wealth. Where in the Scriptures did you see the Early Church equating material wealth with spiritual credentials? Today, those with the spiritual know-how and records of integrity are neglected, marginalized or frustrated out because they do not drive exquisite SUVs or cannot afford to pay 'homage' to the pastor in charge. Any leader that does this is a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel. The fellow is bringing strange fire on God's altar and will surely account for it. One thing that has slowed down the growth of the Kingdom is because too many wrong people are in the right places and too many right people are in the wrong places. Any leader who is partial harbours evil thoughts and is a bad judge. That is, his or her judgement is biased and faulted by Heaven. Some superiors have refused to appoint those that God has chosen for certain leadership positions because they enjoy playing 'God' in their lives. According to James 2:9, partial leaders are sinners, and no sinner can inherit God's Kingdom. If you are guilty of these, repent, and restitute concerning the wrong appointments you made.

Prayer Point:
Pray that every leader appointed by worldly yardsticks will be uprooted and replaced by leaders appointed by God in the Body of Christ.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mon, 28/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Monday, March  28th, 2011

Time Of Freedom

Memorise: "But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup." (1 Cor 11:28).
Read: Exodus 12:21-23 
The Holy Communion is an uncommon meal that every believer in Christ should take periodically. The inherent blessings channelled to communicants are immense, and the effects can last a lifetime. When God was instructing the Israelites concerning the Passover, He asked them to apply the blood of the Lamb on the lintel and the two side posts of their front doors. Whenever God sees the blood of His Son Jesus Christ on the door post of your heart, He will instruct the destroyer to pass over you. This means that the blood of Jesus keeps the destroyer at bay. It also keeps destruction away. It brings about a separation. As you partake of the Holy Communion, apply the blood on your door, yourself, your family, and everything you have. The destroyer and destruction will stay far away from you.
"And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded" (Gen 47:11). When Joseph's family arrived in Egypt, Joseph, with the permission of Pharaoh, gave them the best of the land of Egypt-Goshen. They had a good time until his death. In that land, their increase moved from the level of addition to that of multiplication. Exodus 1:9 says that many years later, because they were fast evolving as a nation of strong and mighty men, a new Pharaoh who was not acquainted with the history of Joseph in Egypt declared war on the Israelites. Suddenly, the Pharaoh enacted decrees to kill their baby boys at birth and to turn them into slaves. Their prosperity and rapid growth got them into trouble. Has God's blessings on your life made you a target of enemy attacks, manipulation and oppression? Fear not! The Holy Communion is a way out! One night, the poverty-stricken slaves of Egypt took the Passover meal and everything changed. As you take the next communion, everything in your life will change for good in Jesus name. That single meal delivered freedom, prosperity, healing, and blessings to them on the same night. A slavery of four hundred and thirty years was terminated. It does not matter how long your envious enemies have hated, oppressed or tormented you. As you partake of this meal, release your faith and claim your deliverance and you shall be totally free. You shall see the marks of the oppressor no more. It is your time of freedom.

Action Point:
It takes a bad king to afflict someone for life. It takes the uncommon meal to reverse that trend permanently. If you have a bad king, concentrate on your uncommon meal!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sun, 27/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Sunday, March  27th, 2011

Complete The Faith Process

Memorise: "His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it." (John 2:5).
Read: 2 Kings 5:9-14    
Apart from believing in God, another appropriate thing to do during your time of favour is to obey God's Word. For many years, Naaman, the captain of the Syrian army, nursed a secret problem-leprosy. Although to many, he was a perfect gentleman who had won several laurels for his nation, most people were ignorant of his private battles. But during the time of his favour, his Israeli housemaid repeatedly spoke of the possibility of being healed. He heard enough to stir up hope in him to the extent of embarking on a trip to Israel. But right at the threshold of his miracle, he almost bungled it. The prophet asked him to go and wash in the River Jordan seven times but he took offence. For your miracle to be delivered, faith must perform its perfect work. It took faith to listen to a hapless, young Israelite captive serving in his house. It took faith for him to prepare for the trip to Israel. It took faith to travel to Israel. It took faith to go to the house of the man of God. Despite all these acts of faith, his efforts were all about to be rubbished because he initially resisted the Word of God coming through God's servant. Thankfully, he obeyed at long last.
Obeying God's servant or the Word of God in a particular situation is a necessary act of faith that can help you connect to your miracle during your time of favour. Do you know that unlike Naaman who later obeyed, completed the faith process and finally received his healing, there are a number of people who are still at the first bus stop? They have started the faith process but to get to the point of receiving a specific instruction on what to do, it is taking them so long to obey. Yet, until they complete the faith process, the promise will not be delivered even though it is their time of favour. And if they fail to obey and their time passes, only God can tell when they can have another opportunity. Are you delaying at the point of God's command? For Naaman, he was ordered to go and wash in River Jordan but for you, it may be to forgive and release that person who has hurt you so much. Or, it may be that you sacrifice your 'Isaac' - that thing you value extremely. It may even be to give a financial or material seed. Whatever God is asking you to do, obey or else, your time of favour may not be useful to you.

Key Point:
Until faith goes through all its stages, it cannot deliver the expectation.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sat, 26/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Saturday, March  26th, 2011

Managing Time

Memorise: "The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose." (Eccl 1:5).
Read: Ecclesiastes 1:3-6 
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecc 3:1). One subject that is difficult to define is time. Although it can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and so on, yet, it will require a divine revelation to define it appropriately. Simply put, time is a segment of eternity.
Time is somewhere inside eternity. According to Ecclesiastes 1:4, time is transient. As one generation goes another one comes. Time is a process that flows nonstop like a river. It is always on the move. Ecclesiastes 1:5 says, "The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose". When it's sunrise, before long it will be sunset. One lesson here is that we must never waste our time. Use the difference between sunrise and sunset profitably. Time never stops flowing. Some people erroneously talk of 'killing time'. Time never dies. Those who claim to kill time are only working against the natural order and therefore killing themselves. Time is a valid means of measurement. No matter how young a child is, it is common to ask how old he or she is. Why? The moment a child is born, he begins a journey to the grave. So what that child does between birth and death is entirely his responsibility. This is why we need wisdom to be able to maximize our time on the earth. Psalm 90:12 says, "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom". An aspect of that wisdom is in measuring your time on earth using days, and not necessarily years. Use the closer instruments such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months than years which are farther. The one who effectively plans with days will have results for every passing day, week, month and year. But the one who plans only with years may have nothing to show for each day, week, month or year. What are your plans for this year? Are they carefully plotted-each day, week and month? If your minutes, hours and days are effectively occupied, you will end up as an efficient time manager.

Action Point:
It is easier to handle the little, tiny bits of time that are closer to you than the big and far away variable called years. Plan out your days today! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fri, 25/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Friday, March  25th, 2011

When Heaven And Earth Connive

Memorise: "And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron" (Deut 28:23).
Read: Haggai 1:6-9 
One reason you should not lose your sleep over your enemies is: God has promised to bless those who bless you and to curse those who curse you (Gen 12:3). In other words, God will repay people in their own coins commensurate to what they do to us as believers. Have you come into the Christian fold? If yes, from today anyone who curses you has placed a curse upon himself or herself. Anyone who blesses you shall be blessed. It is a great thing to be blessed. A blessing is the direct opposite of a curse. It is a terrible thing to come under a curse. Deuteronomy 28:23 says, "And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron". For anyone to be really blessed or cursed, that fellow must be served both by Heaven and earth. Heaven and earth must cooperate to deliver blessings to the blessed. Under a cursed atmosphere, both the heavens and earth would connive to withhold that individual's blessings. No matter the efforts, the rains would refuse to fall from Heaven. In spite of all the plans, toils and labours, the earth would refuse to yield her increase. Have the heavens and earth connived against your blessing? The Lord will intervene and bring about a change today in Jesus name.
A curse can shut the windows of Heaven and harden the earth. It can turn the heavens over such a fellow into brass and the earth into iron. The ground of a cursed fellow is cursed. Imagine sowing into a stony, rocky soil with no sand or moisture. Can such a farmer expect any harvest? Some people under a curse think that they can still achieve their desired harvest if only they can work harder. Hard work is not recognized when a curse is in operation. In fact, one purpose of a curse is to get rid of harvests in the life of the cursed. According to Haggai 1:6-9, the earnings of a cursed fellow are also cursed. That means another purpose of a curse in the life of the cursed is to ensure that the fellow is incapable of gathering earnings, and making or storing wealth. Whatever he earns will be saved in a hollow basket so that by the time he wants to harness his gains, there will be nothing to show for it. Even God will blow away the increase of anyone who comes under a divine curse. Have any of these been taking place in your life? Examine your life, trace the source of the curse and prayerfully address it. Every curse operating in your life will be cancelled.

Prayer Point:
Father, destroy today every curse operating in my life, family and lineage. Father, thank You for the past Lets-Go-A-Fishing programmes. Lord, make this year's Easter programme the greatest in terms of souls won and miracles worked.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thu, 24/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Thursday, March  24th, 2011

  Great Promises

Memorise: "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust" (2 Peter 1:4).
Read: 2 Peter 1:3-4 
“My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him" (Ps 62:5). Virtually everyone born into this world has some expectations. There are different categories of expectations ranging from the smallest to the largest. Proverbs 25:19 says, "Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint". One quality that determines the level of expectation you can have of anyone is faithfulness. Faithfulness in this context refers to reliability, honesty, and truthfulness. If an unreliable person makes you a promise, it would be foolhardy to base all your expectations on such a promise. Sometimes, even when dealing with men or women of integrity, there may be extraneous factors outside their control that makes it difficult for them to deliver on their promises. But while dealing with God, it is a different ball game. Not only does His level of integrity accommodate small expectations, but also great expectations.

Why should you have great expectations from God? Because He makes great promises which His level of integrity can ensure. In Isaiah 43:2, God assures us of His divine presence and protection in the midst of storms, floods and fire. These are great promises. Do you know that God is present in your storms? In other words, the presence of a storm is the assurance you need of God's presence. However, some people refuse to believe God is present just because they cannot feel Him. God's presence is not measured by your feelings but by His Word. That means, if He said He will be present in a given situation, whether you feel like He is there or not, believe and act like He is there. If need be, He will manifest Himself to you. Once God has promised, you had better believe it. His Word commands the highest level of integrity, dependability and reliability. Similarly, in Isaiah 54:17, God says the weapons that have been cunningly crafted against His own will lose their power. That is another great promise. Never trivialize God's promises! As long as God cannot be dethroned in Heaven, His Word cannot lose its power. Are you effectively holding on to His promises? Holding God's great promises with levity robs you of its power.

Key Point:God will not promise what He cannot deliver on; all His promises are within His power and ability.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wed, 23/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Wednesday, March  23rd, 2011

Sin And Sickness

Memorise: "Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee" (John 5:14).
Read: John 5:14-16 
“For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep" (1 Cor 11:30). One very disturbing trend today is the rate at which people fall ill and are affected by diseases and sicknesses that God promised to keep from His children. In Exodus 15:26, the Lord promised that certain diseases will not find their way into our bodies. Similarly, Exodus 23:25 says, "And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee". The question in the hearts of many is: 'Why is it that many who believe in Christ still suffer from sicknesses?' In other words, why do the righteous still die of sicknesses that should not be mentioned among believers?
One major cause of sickness is sin. If you live a holy life, sin-induced ailments may never be able to penetrate your body. In Psalm 119:67, the Psalmist observed that before afflictions came to him, he had veered off the path of righteousness. If you are toying with sin, you are sending an invitation to sickness. If you want to live healthy, keep away from sin and obey God's Word. Impotency was delivered to the man in John 5:1-16 because of his sin.
Another cause of sickness is defying God's order on the Holy Communion. 1 Corinthians 11:27-30 says whenever you take the Holy Communion unworthily, you send an invitation to weakness. If this trend continues, your invitation will extend to sickness and thereafter death. You can be assured that such invitations are usually honoured by these evil spirits. Are you always feeling weak, tired and always wanting to rest even when you have not done any strenuous work? Examine yourself! You may just be defying God's order on the Holy Communion! If you take the Lord's Supper and go back into your sinful life, or you pretend that all is well and because you do not want some people to think that you are living in sin, you take this uncommon meal while harbouring sin, life will gradually drain out of you. The condition of the communicant is very important whenever the Holy Communion is taken. If there is sin, what is meant to give life will gradually take it away. Are you sick? Is the sickness as a result of sin or violation of the Holy Communion? Repent today and turn a new leaf.

Key Point:Sin and sickness are related. Wherever you find one, you will most likely find the other.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tue, 22/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Tuesday, March  22nd, 2011

Whither That Leader?

Memorise: "I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word" (John 17:6).
Read: John 17:5-6 
Becoming an ecclesiastical leader is a serious issue. Not everyone can become a pastor or prophet. We need to be extremely prayerful and careful in choosing leaders. In Luke 6:12-16, the Lord had an all-night prayer meeting before picking His 12 apostles, yet, one of them was a traitor. If He needed to depend on God in appointing leaders, we need to depend on God all the more. Today, for our failing to take maximum care, more people who have no business with leadership in the church, find their way there. This is why the altar is polluted, divided and lacks the anointing. When wrong leaders find their way unto God's altar, He vacates it for them. No wonder many altars have no divine fire. Their fire cannot even roast a fly! God will hold you responsible for every wrong fellow you recommend or appoint to positions of leadership.
Moreover, an examination of the Lord's prayer in John 17 shows that He prayed in total submission to the Most High God. In verse 6, He says, "I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word". One thing we learn here is that although those for leadership in the church are chosen from the world, however, they are truly from God. They belong to God. It is either you go to the world or to God for leaders. The quality of response from the leaders you appoint will depend on whether they come from God or the world. If you appoint a leader without God's express will, that fellow is from the world. Any leader from the world will mind the things of the world and will devise worldly methods to advance or achieve. If you appoint someone into a position of leadership out of tribal sentiments, or because you want him to protect your interest and cover up your mess, you can be sure that that fellow is from the world, not from God. Be careful about the leader you allow to rule over you. Is that man you want to appoint as the head of your proposed family from God or the world? Can you say that spouse is God's possession? Some believers, who claim to have prayed for the will of God in marriage, settle down with spouses from the world because they could not pay the price to get their rightful spouse from God. Appointing the right person to a leadership position will, to a large extent, minimize the risk of failure and raise your chances of success.

Key Point:If you want a leader that would mind heavenly things, take your search to Heaven.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mon, 21/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Monday, March  21st, 2011

Making Others Rich

Memorise: "As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things." (2 Cor 6:10)
Read: 2 Corinthians 6:4-10 
In Revelation 2:9, the church in Smyrna that was supposed to live in affluence, lived in poverty, possibly due to ignorance. Another likely cause of this could be semantics, since the way humans define 'wealth' is different from how God defines it. It is possible to be materially impoverished yet, spiritually rich. Although God wants us to have abundance in all areas according to 3 John 2, yet, God places the highest premium on our spiritual prosperity. In Luke 6:20-21, our Lord Jesus Christ consoled His disciples with prospect of a glorious eternity. How many years can a man who can afford the best medical service attain? At most, it could be three hundred years. But in the hereafter, you will live for all eternity. So, why kill yourself because you lack this world's goods? However, this does not mean that we should not ask for wealth, after all, God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Exodus 3:6), and each of these were men God committed great wealth to. Whether we have wealth or not, our hearts should be focused on God.

"Hearken, my beloved brethren, hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?" (James 2:5). This is a very interesting scripture. When you are poor, the world rejects, disapproves of, humiliates, victimizes, ignores and even hates you. But when you are rich, not minding the source of that wealth, the world recognizes and celebrates you. However, God began to search for the world's rejects to give them eternal placements in His Kingdom. That was how He found you and me. Then He began to use such people to transform the lives of others. What makes you rich before God's eyes is your ability, in spite of physical limitations and disabilities, to make others rich; your ability to use whatever God has given to you to enlarge His Kingdom. To what extent have you been doing this? Some believers are waiting until they become millionaires before they give to God's projects whereas, God is looking for the faithful ones whom He has given hundreds and thousands to give for such projects, so that He can elevate them. Are you a poor rich fellow? Besides, it is easier for those who are materially and financially impoverished to humble themselves, praise God and trust in Him; whereas, many rich people trust either in their millions or in themselves. Are you making others rich in your present state?

Key Point:One veritable way of being rich in Heaven is by making others rich through God's investments in your life. How rich are you?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sun, 20/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Sunday, March  20th, 2011

Engage The Hands Of Faith

Memorise: "For with God nothing shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37).
Read: Luke 1:34-38 
When the time of favour comes, God may absolve you of any action. In other words, God may do everything possible to grant your expectations. But in most cases, at such a time, God still expects you to do certain things. If such steps are not forthcoming from you, that time of favour may just come and go without delivering its blessing. Many people have lost great blessings during their time of favour by folding their hands. May your day of favour not pass you by.
What steps do you need to take to key into the blessings during your time of favour? You can simply believe God. Although in the time of your favour, God may not need your faith to do what He would, yet, sometimes it is required to possess your blessing. Picture it like this: the blessing is being offered by God and you need the hands of faith to receive it. Let us take Mary's case as an example. In Luke 1:34-38, after being told she would conceive in her virginity, Mary found herself in a tight corner. Like anyone else, she knew no virgin had ever conceived without meeting a man. This new idea defied logic, science and all the knowledge ever acquired. Yet, she chose to give it a try. She chose to believe God for such an impossible task to be done. As she voiced out the words: 'Let it be to me according to your word', she keyed into that prophetic utterance, and God's Word was fulfilled in her life. Today, God may be waiting for you to believe His Word and He will do the rest. Are you able to believe Him today?
Sometimes, God's Word will come directly from His Spirit but at other times, it will come through His servant. In each scenario, it is expected that you believe it for you to get connected. Until you believe in God's Word and His genuine prophet, the prophecy that comes through that vessel may be unconnected to you. It freely flows without any attachment until it sees faith in a believer. When the prophecy sees the hands of faith, it attaches itself to them and its power begins to work in the life of the recipient. How often do you engage the hands of faith? Without faith, you cannot receive God's blessings and promises.

Action Point:
Faith is the spiritual hand for receiving your blessings. If they are short, you may not get much.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Open Heavens Devotional | Fri, 18/03/2011

Friday, March  18th, 2011


Memorise: "If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles." (Job 22:23)   
Read: Ruth 1:19-22 
There are vital things to know about economy-based famines. Taking unguarded steps during a famine can cause irreversible losses. One period you must be extremely careful, thoughtful and take Spirit-led decisions is during a famine. In Genesis 12:10-17, Abraham experienced a famine. He did not seek God's face concerning the cause and how to overcome it. He simply applied his sixth sense and decided to relocate to Egypt. That trip could have cost him the mother of his heir-Sarah. He had indeed lost her; it took divine intervention for her to be restored. He could have avoided all the embarrassment. Today, when some people face a famine, they still follow Abraham's example by relocating to a better city, state, or nation, without consulting God. How do you know where you are going is better? A place may be generally good for the average person, but it may be the worst for you. The time to be very meticulous about relocating is when you are experiencing a famine.
Another person who suffered a great loss during a famine was Naomi. In Ruth 1:1-5, the Israeli nation faced a famine. Instead of consulting with God, Elimelech-Naomi's husband-did not. He took his wife and two sons and headed for the land of Moab. Yes, he got food there but the years spent in that land were most horrifying! Elimelech soon died. Thereafter, Naomi encouraged her two sons to marry. They did but 10 years later, the sons died. She lost everything she came with whereas most of those she left behind in Judah were alive and well. Her relocation in that famine was like moving from frying pan into fire. When she returned to Israel, those she left could barely recognize her. Yet, because she returned, God still gave her a good end. There are many people who have left their nation's shores in order to escape some famine and like Naomi, they returned empty. Out of shame, many have continued in such lands. Yet, like Naomi, they need to retrace their steps and the Lord will reorganize their latter end. Are you a victim of this? Return to God by accepting Him into your life. Then, prayerfully consider a return. The Lord will order your steps aright. God can cause you to have your financial breakthrough on your return.

Action Point:To prevent or reduce loss to its barest minimum during a famine, stay with God. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Open Heavens Devotional | Thu, 17/03/2011

Thursday, March  17th, 2011
Revealing God's Love

Memorise: "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." (1 John 3:16).
Read: John 15:9-13 
When God wanted to reveal His invisible self to man, He clothed the Word with flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ, and sent Him into the world. Genesis 1:26-27 talks of the decision to create man which was taken by the Godhead. Why was man created? It is so that there would be someone who can see a little of God whenever He came to earth. Some ages past, nothing existed but God. All you see today-sun, moon and stars, planet earth, human beings, etc., once existed only as an essential part of God's thought. But at some point, He decided to bring to manifestation a portion of it. Although inanimate objects and animals have their ways of relating with their Creator, none of them can understand God. As a result God made man so that at least someone will be able to understand a little of Him.
Another reason for creating man is to reveal Himself in man. God wants you to appreciate His greatness and wants to use you to show the world how great He is. If you look at the life of Jesus Christ, several things about God were revealed. One major aspect of God that Jesus revealed is love. John 15:13 says, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends". Until Jesus came, we never knew what true love was all about. God wants you to know that there is a depth of love that can only be accessed through God. When fellow human beings tell you 'I love you,' they may really mean, 'I need you', 'I want something from you', 'I want to use you to get to an end,' etc. Man's love is selfish, self-centred and usually tied to something-a hidden agenda or motive. As for God, however, it is important to know that He has nothing amiss that He needs our love to complete. Before we existed He was God. Before and after expressing your love for God, He remains God. Your love cannot add to or subtract from His essence. God loves you to the extent of dying for you. How many will be ready to die for me? Any one who says he or she is ready to do so is simply engaged in self deceit. This is why I feel sad for those who peg their security on security guards. Which security guard will love his employer to the extent of dying for him? This accounts for why many of them flee when they come face to face with death. Safety is only from God. Do you have Jesus? Can people around you experience the love of God? If all they see is hatred, wickedness and an unforgiving spirit, it shows you do not truly have Christ or the Spirit of Christ. Can God reveal His love through you?

Prayer Point:
Father, through my life, let your love shine forth in the midst of hatred, selfishness, and wickedness.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Open Heavens Devotional Wed, 16/03/2011

Wednesday, March  16th, 2011

When It's Not Too Late

Memorise: "And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform." (Rom 4:21).
Read: Romans 4:16-24
God uses His vessels to prove a point. Believe it or not, your personal relationship with God paints a picture of Him to those around you. If you paint a bad picture, people will never want to associate with your God. What kind of picture is your life painting to the world?
In Genesis 26:12-14, God used Isaac to prove the infallibility of His law of harvest. Sometimes, God uses a vessel to make everyone know that with Him, all things are possible (Luke 1:37). Abraham and Sarah are a case in point. When the former was 75 years old, God promised that He would make him the father of many nations. At this time, his wife was barren at the age of 65. They were already too old to bear children, yet God deliberately waited 25 more years until Abraham was 100 and Sarah 90 before bringing His promise to pass. Has God promised to do something that appears impossible and yet, the promise is still lingering? He may be waiting for all options to run out and possibility in order to prove, through your life, that with Him there is no impossibility.
As long as God is still be involved in your case, it can never be too late. Is it appearing too late in that particular situation? Fear not! The Lord will step right in and 'too late' will become 'most appropriate time' in Jesus name. On a trip to America some years ago, one of my daughters-a medical doctor-had an encounter. She was already past child-bearing age, had stopped menstruating, and still trusting God for a husband. She had every reason to resign herself to fate, yet; something within her told her she would have a child. As she asked how this could be, the Lord guided her. She bought a car, met her pastor and pleaded with him that whenever I came around, that the car should be the vehicle that takes me around. Although her pastor had earlier arranged for another car, on seeing her persistence, he obliged her. On my arrival, I was conveyed in her car. After I left, she took the car to the garage, locked herself inside and prayed that the anointing on me that was deposited in that car should destroy her yokes and make her the mother of a child as God had promised. A few weeks later, a brother met her and said, "God said you are my wife". A few months later, they married. A little over a year afterwards, their baby came. The Lord who did it for this sister will turn your situation around in Jesus name. Every power of delay is broken now in Jesus name. Your 'too late' situation will soon become 'right time' situation in Jesus name. Ask God for what to do to trigger your miracle today!

Prayer Point
Like you did in the lives of Abraham and Sarah, use my impossible situation to prove to the world that nothing is truly impossible with You.