Friday, December 23, 2011


Friday, December 23, 2011


Memorise: "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matt 26:41).


Read: Romans 7:15-19 


If you are able to identify Satan's wiles, it will be difficult for you to fall into the pits of destruction he has carefully laid out for you. In Matthew 4:1-11, the Lord Jesus Christ carefully compared Satan's suggestions with God's Word and easily found him out. If you learn to subject satanic suggestions to the Bible, you will hardly be his victim.

Furthermore, another area you must watch against is that of temptations. Matthew 26:41 says, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak". To overcome temptations, it is important to understand the nature of human beings. The flesh is too weak to resist the power of temptation. Flesh attracts flesh. Whenever the devil uses the opposite sex to tempt someone, that fellow comes under a strong pull to yield. Some people are so confident of themselves that they boast in their flesh. They may say, 'I have never done this and will never do it'. If that boast is in the flesh, do not be surprised to see that individual doing what he has vowed never to do. Paul struggled with his flesh for so long, and got to a point of frustration-seeing himself at the point he had vowed never to be. Eventually and fortunately for him, he got the secret of victory. Are you struggling with temptations? The Lord will give you lasting victory today.

Furthermore, to overcome temptations, you must perform two activities, involving your spirit and body. You must watch. You must be careful what you see, touch, hear, smell or taste. Watch over your five senses. Watching directly engages your body. Being watchful means deliberately eliminating your chances of being tempted. If you, for example, sense that your boss is lusting after you, deliberately keep him at an arm's length. Ensure you are not alone in his company. If you are being drawn towards pornography, avoid the internet or ensure someone is around you when you browse. Watch! To watch is to select discretely the television programmes you watch. To watch is to avoid anyone who is capable of luring you into sin. To watch is also to pray. Prayer directly affects your spirit and toughens it against temptation. Pray. Don't be tired of praying. Pre-pray to avoid unforeseen temptations. Ask for grace to overcome! Frustrate the tempter's expectations concerning you. Know when to run.

Action Point:

The flesh always wants to yield to sin. Ask God to deliver you from the desires of your flesh. 

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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Thursday, December 22, 2011


Memorise: "The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death." (Prov 14:32).


Read: Daniel 4:28-37 


God is unchangeable (Malachi 3:6). Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever". What He has done in the past, He can repeat today. This is simply because He has a bearing on hope and controls tomorrow. In addition, because He is unchangeable and can do the impossible, with Him there are no hopeless cases. Job 14:7-9 says if a tree is cut down but still retains its roots, the moment it contacts water, it will begin to grow again. Ecclesiastes 9:4 says, "For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion". The lion is king in the world of animals but if it is dead, it loses all its worth. An animal of little or no value which is still alive, is worth more than the dead lion. Are you alive? There is hope for you! Were you knocked down? There is hope for you. Did you fail that crucial test or examination? Don't give up! There is hope for you. It shall be well with you. The Lord who controls tomorrow says your tomorrow shall be okay.

We have an interesting story about King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:28-37. For 7 years, the king walked about naked. His companions were beasts and he ate grass like other animals. Humanly speaking, there is a level of insanity that a mad man would get to that everyone would conclude he is irredeemable. While the king was away, it is possible that some of his chiefs who held on to power could have maltreated his wives. However, because with God, there is no hopeless case, He brought King Nebuchadnezzar back on his throne. Such erring chiefs were probably penalized! After Joseph became Prime minister, one place that would have interested him would be Potiphar's house. If I were in his shoes, that would be the first house I would have visited, not to fight but to see the woman bow to me. If the hair of Samson can grow again, your case is not hopeless. Proverbs 14:32 goes further to say that the righteous has hope even in his death. This means that even when the expectation of the righteous is not met in his or her lifetime, it is not over! It can still be met even after death! Every good expectation of your life shall be granted. Hopelessness has lost grip over you because God is unchangeable!

Prayer Point:

Oh Lord, let every feeling of hopelessness and helplessness disappear from my life. 

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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Memorise: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot." (Rev 3:15).


Read: Revelation 3:15-16 


After we are saved, for our service to be acceptable to God, there is a need to find out exactly what He wants. Too many of us are serving God on our own terms, not His. Such a service may go unrewarded. In 1963, before I was converted, I kept some girl friends. Those days, I would like to impress them. One of them came visiting one day and I wanted to impress her. So I prepared hot pounded yam with chicken and fish stew. As we sat on the table, I uncovered the plate and she saw stew and pounded yam already set. Instead of appreciating the meal, she was disappointed. Unhappy, I asked what was wrong. Then she asked: "Don't you have garri (Cassava meal)?" It became obvious to me that to make the desired impression on her, I should give her what she likes, not what I hoped she would love. Do you know that if you are to make a lasting impression on the King of kings, you need to find out what He wants and then take steps to satisfy Him? People are still presenting their own idea of service to God. If you fail to meet His expectations or standards, you are only wasting your time. To be close to God, it is either you give all or nothing.

In Acts 5:1-11, a couple met their death the same day just because they sold their land, but brought part of the money to the church. Can you imagine one being killed by one's own gift? Do you know that that couple would have lived if they had decided not to sell their land? They, however, decided to play games with God and paid for it with their lives! Revelation 3:15-16 says it is either you are hot or cold but not lukewarm. Some gifts can cost the givers their lives. The Almighty God who wants you closer to Him is absolutely perfect. He does not compromise with sin at all. If you have made up your mind to give to Him, do not give below His expectations. Also, do not get into playing smart with Him. For instance, some people play games with God when it comes to tithes. They are joking with fire. Be straight in your dealings with Him. Let your ultimate goal be to please Him who has called you to be a soldier of the cross.

Key Point

Heaven has a shocker for those who want to serve and obey God according to their own dictates. Seek and meet, His term only. 

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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Memorise: "By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible" (Heb 11:27).


Read: Romans 4:17-21 


If you will live a victorious Christian life on earth, it is pertinent that you engage your spiritual senses. This is done by faith in God and in His Word. Why? It is because the only currency available to the believer to run the Christian race is faith. No wonder Habakkuk 2:4 says one way of recognizing the just is by the faith he or she lives by. God is not a talkative. When He speaks once on an issue, that is it. If He repeats it, it is grace. If He says it for the third time, it is amazing grace. Yet, God said 'The just shall live by faith' four times (Rom 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38 and Hab 2:4).

"For we walk by faith, not by sight:" (2 Cor 5:7). At one extreme is faith, and at the other end is sight. Sight is synonymous with doubt and unbelief. Those who walk by sight are only open to earthly resources which, in most cases, because of their unbelief, may be inadequate. If, however, you operate by faith, not only will earthly resources be available to you, heavenly resources will also be at your beck and call. If you want to benefit from miracles, you must learn to ignore your prevailing circumstances. To receive help from Heaven, you must not focus on your limited physical abilities. Look beyond your account that is in the red. Look beyond the physical or biological challenges or limitation. Grab His Word and say, 'If God said it, then it is settled'.

When it was time to roof the arena of the Redemption Camp, my situation made no sense. I was calculating how to probably invite a thousand people to dinner who would give a million naira each. If that had been done, that would be a billion naira, which would not be enough for the foundation level. But the Lord told me not to take any special offering for the project. He said it's between just the two of us. The way the Lord did it, nobody can share in His glory. Today, many people are calling the Redemption Camp the Redemption City, but God said the city He wants to build is yet to come. Has the Lord said that you shall be great? Look beyond your circumstance or present level. Hold on to His Word and He will bring it to pass. The Word of God always makes a difference where it is believed and given due honour.

Key Point:

A man of faith refuses to see the hindrance staring at him in the face; he chooses to see the invisible solution. 

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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Monday, December 19, 2011


Memorise: "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." (Matt 10:16).


Read: Matthew 10:16-17 


According to Psalm 85:8, God speaks peace to His children and saints. The peace test is a reliable way of determining whether a counsel or move is of God or not. However, when a child of God takes a trip into foolishness, it is either he or she stops hearing from God or will stop hearing God's peaceful counsel. Why? When in sin, you are classed with the wicked and Isaiah 57:21 says, "There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked". If God is no longer speaking peace to you, something is wrong. Trace the cause and make your ways right. On the other hand, if you are currently enjoying God's peace, stay out of foolishness! If, however, the Prince of Peace has not been accepted into your life, you may not benefit from the peace and goodwill He brought to the earth (Luke 2:8-14). Receive Him into your heart as Lord and personal saviour today!

Another attribute of God's wisdom is gentleness. Matthew 10:16 says, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves". God wants you to be harmless, and one way of achieving this is through gentleness. Psalm 23:1 says, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want". Jesus is the Shepherd of sheep, not goats. Goats are so quick to defend themselves, yet they end up in the pot of pepper soup. Sheep are, however, defenceless, yet, it is difficult to see sheep pepper soup in restaurants. When you are gentle, God Himself will defend you, but if you want to show the world that you can defend yourself without His help, He will let you be. Moreover, any counsel that amounts to striving, quarrelling or exchange of words is not of God. If you are known as a troublesome person in your school, workplace or neighbourhood, you are a disgrace to God's Kingdom.

There are Christian leaders who fight. If you fight or beat up your wife, you are a goat, not a sheep. If virtually everyone avoids you like a plague, you are a goat, not a sheep. If you fight or beat up your husband or deny him sex as a means of punishment for his inability to meet with some financial obligation, you are not behaving like a sheep. Ask yourself: Where did I get this evil nature from? It is obviously not from God!

Prayer Point:

Lord, let Your Spirit of gentleness operate in my life from this moment on. 

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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Sunday, December 18, 2011


Memorise: "Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?" (Job 1:9).


Read: Job 1:9-10 


Another thing we learn from the Lord's Prayer for the disciples in John 17:15 is that evil is prevalent all over the world. Some people erroneously believe that if they can avoid the village and dwell in the city, they would be free from evil. Demons are in operation everywhere. Evil exists among the educated as well as in illiterate communities. Job's encounter with evil simply tells us never to underestimate the extent of evil the devil is capable of. Job was obviously the wealthiest man in his days. He was not necessarily a rural dweller, yet, when Satan was allowed by God to touch him, he lost his business empire, children and health in quick succession. This is why we should pray for the protection of all our leaders.

To be victorious in life, you must be acquainted with the power of God and that of your enemy. True protection for your business, wealth, family, servants and your life itself, rests in God. Until God allowed Satan to afflict Job, Satan found God's wall of protection over him and all he had impenetrable. There is a hedge of protection around the righteous. The enemies cannot successfully attack you without God's permission, if you are living right before God. There have been several attempts by the agents of darkness against my life and ministry that God frustrated. A young man once came to testify of how he was sent on a mission to harm me at the Redemption Camp but God frustrated him on several occasions. Thereafter, he gave up on his sinister assignment and surrendered to the Lord. Whenever the devil has opportunity to attack the saints, he goes the whole hog. You will be shocked at the level of destruction he is capable of within a very brief period he is given. This is why believers and particularly leaders must not toy with sin, even for a second. Do not say you want to toy with sin for some minutes and thereafter, repent. At the time of sinning, the hedge will be broken and you may be open to terrible attacks of the enemy that you may never recover from. How often do you pray for the protection of your leaders? Are you operating within your safe limits?

Prayer Point:

Father, by Your power and outstretched arm, keep our leaders in the Body of Christ out of the reach of the enemy. 

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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

SAT 17/12/2011 - - WHO CALLED YOU? - - OPEN HEAVENS - - KINGDOM 28

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Memorise: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:44).


Read: John 6:43-46 


God calls His children to separation, consecration and distinction. When God calls a person, He turns everything in the person's life around for good. Hence, Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose". God's call will eventually end you in goodness and not anywhere else, unless it was not God who called you. This does not, however, exempt you from unpleasant events and experiences such as hard times, delays, trials of faith or certain challenges, as they have their place in God's overall plan. For instance, Israel as a nation is a tough skinned, diehard nation today because of the several wars and difficulties that it has gone through. If you are constantly facing battles, a time will come when, after adapting to that situation, you will learn to make progress and do several healthy things in the midst of wars. In other words, wars will no longer be a hindrance to you, but will now facilitate stable and lasting progressive strides. If you are truly called by God, all the unpleasant events that God allows to come your way will eventually contribute something good to your life and destiny.

"And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him" (Mark 3:13). Another fact about God's call is that He calls sovereignly. God is a sovereign God. He does what He likes without receiving a query from any one (Ps 115:3). He decides on whom to call. He also decides on those to be left behind. While the Lord was selecting among His disciples, some who were not chosen must have had a question in their hearts: 'What about me?' In John 6:44, this same truth is emphasized when Jesus said, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day". This tells us clearly therefore that God's call is not by volunteering. You are not the one to offer your service to God. It is God who will decide to pick you or not. You will be amazed to know that quite a number of ministers in the church of God virtually called themselves. They offered to work for God. Be mindful, however, that when you volunteer like that, God reserves the right to accept or reject your offer. Were you called of God or did you, in your zeal, call yourself into full time ministry?

Action Point:

For a call to be worth its salt, God must be the Caller. Examine your ministry and your call. 

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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Friday, December 16, 2011


Memorise: "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." (Rom 13:11).


Read: Romans 13:11-14 


In Revelation 3:2, the Lord warned the church in Sardis to be watchful. This is also required of every believer today. Some people decide when to watch and when not to, but it is important to be on your guard at all times because when you feel like there is no need to pray or fast, destruction could be right at the door. 1 Corinthians 10:12 says the best time to watch is when you think all is well. When you think you are at your best, something sinister could be lurking around to bring you down. A particular minister struggled with his flesh. After overcoming fleshly lust for a period, he decided to share with someone close to him that at last he had got the victory. That same day, he fell into the same sin. This occurred several times to the extent that he resolved not to celebrate his momentary victory over the flesh as that could bring about another fall.

"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed" (Rom 13:11). The closer you are to your goal, the more watchful you must become. What should you watch against? There are five areas we must watch over. First, watch over the wiles of the devil. The devil has lots of tricks and subtle measures to manipulate people into doing what he wants them to do. Right from Genesis 3, he came in through the serpent to bring Adam and Eve to a monumental fall. The devil is still in the business of deceiving and orchestrating the fall of many, particularly leaders. He targets leaders because if he can get one leader, he can get virtually any sheep he chooses. The watchful believer will study evolving situations to determine the spirit at play. If you cared to find out how Satan operates, you would discover that he repeats his old tricks. Besides, he is very innovative and negatively creative. He has infiltrated the minds of many creative people, and all careers and professions, with the intention of making people sin against God. He has equally used technological development to his advantage. If you use the internet, you must be extremely watchful or else you may start by surfing Christian sites but end up in pornography. Examine your life and note the very wiles of the devil you have fallen prey to. Repent, look into the Bible and list out counter measures for containing them. Do you easily identify satanic booby traps?

Key Point:

No matter how impressive any fresh opportunity looks like, do not rush into it. Prayerfully watch out for Satan's tricks.

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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

THU 15/12/2011 - - MAKE PEACE! - - OPEN HEAVENS - - KINGDOM 28

Thursday, December 15th, 2011


Memorise: "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:" (Heb 12:14).


Read: Hebrews 12:12-15 


Godly wisdom means to be without hypocrisy. Anything done with the slightest shade of hypocrisy is unacceptable to God. If you have a hypocrite as a friend, you face great danger (Pro 25:19). Moreover, James 3:18 says, "And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace". Peace is very crucial both to us and to those we have personal relationships with. Proverbs 17:1 says, "Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife". Whatever you have to do to maintain your inner peace must be done. Hebrews 12:14 says, "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:". In other words, in order to see God, you need more than holiness. You also need to follow peace with your neighbour. If you say you are holy but you are not at peace with your fellow man, you may not enter Heaven. Revelation 21:27 says, "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life". People are amazed at the ease with which I forgive my offenders. I tell them it is because I do not want anyone to hinder me from entering that glorious eternal abode of the righteous.

Let me share with you the personal experience of my father-in-the-Lord, Pa Akindayomi. He once came across a tract which, after it was read to him, he thought would be good for evangelism. Because he was not a literate person and did not know anything about copyright laws, reproduced the tracts and began to distribute them. One day, someone from the organization which authored the tracts saw people using it and reported to their organization. Consequently, they asked Baba Akindayomi to go fetch the remaining tracts from home and burn everything. This pained Baba to his bones. Later, a member of our church died and during the burial, those who burnt the tracts were present. Baba took this opportunity to preach on what they did and hit them hard until virtually everyone realized what they did. When Baba died, he got to the gate of Heaven and the angels showed him his mansion, but denied him entry until he returned and settled with the men in question. On his return, he immediately sent for them and made peace with them. After that, he went to glory. However, not everyone will be this fortunate. You should make peace with those who have offended you today. Tomorrow may be late.

Action Point:

Prayerfully examine your sour relationships. List those who have wronged you and those you wronged and make peace with both groups. 

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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WED 14/12/2011 - - SAY 'YES' TO GOD - - OPEN HEAVENS - - KINGDOM 28

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Memorise: "And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice." (John 10:4).


Read: Acts 10:9-16 


The one God loves has to grapple with certain tough challenges. As the last born of my mother, I was her favourite. While other children were playing, she would compel me to sit and read my books. Sometimes, I would remind her that all the other children were playing, but she would reply that all the others were not her business. I thought she was too strict with me but today, I have reasons to thank God for my strict mother. Ephesians 5:1-7 says if you are one of God's own, you should not indulge in sins like fornication, uncleanness, foolish talking, etc., not even for once! In other words, other so-called Christians may be doing it but you cannot afford to follow their evil steps. There are certain things some pastors and church leaders would do and God would appear to be quiet about it, yet, if some believers attempted such, they would receive a bashing from the Lord. It shows how much God loves such a believer. If God no more corrects you, you might have reached a point of no return or be on the way to becoming irrelevant to God.

As a beloved of God, you must learn to say 'Yes Lord' to all of God's instructions. Quite a number of people have lost opportunities for starting large ministries due to their refusal to say, 'Yes Lord'. God is not static. When Heaven moves, it takes those who can drop their old beliefs and dogmas to move to the next level with Him. One major change ever experienced was the movement from the Old Testament to the New Testament. While most of the leaders in the synagogue resisted change and stuck to the Mosaic Law, others who embraced the change became born-again, and began to enjoy the grace and truth that the Lord brought. Do you say 'Yes' or 'No' to the promptings of the Spirit? Yield to Him today!

Key Point:

When God wants something from you, what He expects to hear is, 'Yes, Lord'. What is your response today? Always say yes to Him. 

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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Memorise: "How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103).


Read: John 12:28-29 


To get God's best, you must be prepared to disengage your senses and engage faith. Like your physical senses, you have spiritual, invisible senses. Spiritual senses operate by faith in God and in His Word. By faith, it is possible to see the invisible. In Hebrews 11:27, through the eyes of faith Moses saw the invisible God. It is what you focus on that you will envision. You can see with the eyes of faith. Why do you think that Hebrews 11:2 commands us to look unto Jesus? It is to enable us see Him with the eyes of faith. Believe me, if your spiritual eyes are open to see the invisible, you will no longer fear the visible and invisible negative forces. If you doubt it, ask the servant of Elisha. He was afraid when his physical eyes saw the Syrian army but when God opened his spiritual eyes, he saw chariots and horses of fire. Immediately, his fear took flight. Physical senses cause fear but spiritual senses increase your faith and dependence on God. If your spiritual eyes are open, you will frequently behold the superior provision available to you and, as a result, you will not be moved by the temporal.

You can also hear the inaudible if you apply your spiritual ears. To hear God speak to you, it is important to have listening ears. You must be ready to hear His Word and do it. You must also be prepared to wait on Him to hear what He will say to you (Ps 85:8). If your spiritual ears are open, you will hear what God is saying to you at any given time. While people may be hearing thundering, those whose spiritual ears are open will be receiving very distinct divine messages (John 12:28-29). With open ears, you will also discern the plans of your enemies and know how to handle them. However, apart from seeing and hearing, you can also taste and see that the Lord is good (Ps 34:8). When you apply your spiritual tongue, you will know that God's Word is sweeter than honey (Ps 119:103). Yes, you can feel God. You can touch Him with your hands of faith, and the benefit of such sensitivity will affect your entire life. To do these, be born-again and baptized in the Holy Spirit. Pray frequently in the Spirit daily. Be sensitive to the Spirit and cultivate His friendship.

Action Point:

When your spiritual senses are alert, you will be in control of both spiritual and physical territories. Pray: Father, make me spiritually sensitive. 




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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Monday, December 12, 2011


Memorise: "I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly." (Psalm 85:8).


Read: Psalm 85:8-11 


“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy" (James 3:17).

James 1:17 says all good and perfect gifts come from God. Godly wisdom is one of such. One outstanding trait of godly wisdom is purity. Being the first to be listed shows that purity is God's priority. Matthew 5:8 says it is only the pure in heart that will see God. Purity means absence of contamination. God wants you perfect like He is (Matt 5:48). If God would demand perfection from Abraham during the Old Testament, why will you expect something less in the time of grace (Gen 17:1)? Any advice that contains the slightest element of impurity cannot be godly wisdom. Any counsel a counsellor gives you that negates the Word of God must be discarded. If God is leading you in a matter, it must be in agreement with His Written Word. Any suggestion, in the name of wisdom, that requires you to compromise your faith at some point, is not of God. Reject it with all vehemence!

Another attribute of God's wisdom is peace. God's counsel comes with peace to His children. "I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly." (Psalm 85:8). One veritable test to ascertain whether a message, counsel or decision you are about to take is of God or not, is to find out whether it gives you peace or not. God ministers peace to His faithful children. Even when He is leading you into a wilderness experience where you will be required to go through the fire or waters for several years, the way the Holy Spirit will speak or present it to you, you will not be afraid or agitated. His counsel is peaceful. If you are living right before God and someone brings a 'message from God' that brings fear, worry and anxiety, there is a good chance the person is wrong. The only person to be feared is God. When you begin to fear your enemies, you cannot at the same time fear God. As you take that crucial decision after much prayer, look deep down and examine the true state of your heart. If you are troubled about it, it may most likely be the wrong decision. If you have the Prince of Peace in you, the words that come out of you will equally give peace.

Key Point:
If after intense prayers you lack inner peace concerning a decision you are about to make, you probably should not go ahead. 

Open Heavens Online
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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Sunday, December 11, 2011


Memorise: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised," (Luke 4:18).


Read: Luke 4:16-21 


In John 17:15-16, while praying for His disciples, Jesus said they were in the world but not of the world. This means that as believers, we do not originate from earth. We are of God and from God. We are only strangers and pilgrims on earth; hence, we should never allow any material thing on earth to hold us down. The people of the world cling tenaciously to the things of the earth - power, position, money, assets, etc. They are ready to bow to Satan in order to get these things. In Matthew 4:8-11, the devil asked the Lord to bow like others in order to get power, but He refused. Unfortunately, many pastors and Christian leaders are bowing to Satan in order to acquire such things today. Do you know that there are pastors who do not know the way to the houses of poor members of their churches? Yet, they regularly visit their rich members who they see as spiritual clients. They can do anything for the rich because of what they can get from them. Do you know that true ministry is to the poor? Luke 4:18 says the purpose the Spirit comes upon an individual is to make the fellow relevant to the poor.

If you are not ministering to the poor, that is, spiritually and financially impoverished people, your ministry is suspect. Any ministry that is not catering to the needs of the poor and needy through counselling, prayers, and other means, will be exposed to the devil. If intensive prayers are not made for them, such ministries will soon be written off. There is nothing wrong with ministering to the rich and affluent people in the society, but any pastor whose 'calling' is restricted to only the rich should have his or her ministerial mandate examined. Can you imagine that when some pastors are transferred to a local church in a remote part of the town or city, the first thing that occurs to them is: 'how many rich people will I find there?' Most church leaders who claim to have the call of God, hardly ever feel called to minister to villagers but to those in the city. This clearly shows that for many, the motivation for ministry is not God but money. They are in business, not that of Christ but of self, using the name of Christ fraudulently. Are you such a leader? This is why we should pray more for our leaders.

Prayer Point:
Ask that your life will minister to the poor. 

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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Saturday, December 10, 2011


Memorise: "And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him." (Luke 5:11).


Read: Luke 5:8-11 


In addition to calling His people upwards and unto separation, God calls them unto consecration. To be consecrated to God means to be completely sold out to Him. For instance, when He called Peter, he left everything to follow Him (Luke 5:1-11). That is total consecration. When you are consecrated to God, He takes charge of your life. He makes the decisions, while you carry them out. Being totally consecrated does not mean that you have to become a full-time pastor but that He is free to decide how you spend what you earn. Let me share my experience with you. After God called me into full-time ministry, at some point, I was paid my gratuity. I was very glad! In those days, it was a large sum of money. More so, since as a full-time pastor, I could no longer tell where my next meal would come from. While busy calculating how best to invest it, the Lord interrupted my thoughts: "You have not even asked me. Remember you are no longer your own". Thereafter, He asked me to divide my gratuity into three. He asked me to give one part to the ministry. I said 'Yes Lord'. He asked me to give the second part to the ministry. My 'Yes' suddenly became low-pitched. Then He asked me to give the third and final part to a particular individual, adding that from then on, He would be my source. When God calls you to consecration, you may need to ask Him what you should spend and what to keep to yourself of your legitimate income. How consecrated are you?

Another nature of God's call is that He calls to distinction. If He calls you to the mountain top, it means you are to be distinct from the crowd. Hence, Matthew 5:14 says, "... A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid". When Elijah was about to go to Heaven in 2 Kings 2:1-15, it was only he and Elisha that stood on the other side of Jordan. Across the Jordan were some sons of the prophets watching at a distance. But on Elisha's return, they recognized that there was transference of the anointing and they bowed to him. Have you been called? Then you must be different. You have been called to shine as light. How different are you? Among other believers, how distinct are you as a representative of Jesus Christ?

Key Point:

God wants a closer walk with you. Yield to Him completely today. 

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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Friday, December 9, 2011


Memorise: "Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter" (James 5:5).


Read: James 5:1-6 


When you seek man's approval you will get it but may likely lose Heaven's approval. It is sad that many ministers of God, who are publicly acknowledged and recognized on earth, have little or no mention in Heaven. This is one way one can be dead while assuming one is still alive. If the Resurrection and the Life says you are dead, then you are. Even if the whole world gives you a rating that is contrary, it does not change God's assessment. This is also where the popular maxim: vox populi vox veritas (the voice of the people is the voice of God), misses the point.

"But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth" (1 Tim 5:6). This scripture tells us that it is possible to be a living dead. Another way to be dead and still think one is alive is by pursuing pleasure. Christianity is not a bed of roses. Those who want to get only its benefits but are not ready to carry its cross, will find that they are spiritually cut off from the Vine. Pleasure-seeking Christians end up gratifying their flesh to the detriment of their soul. Worldly pleasures must be treated with lots of caution because what pleases or entertains the world grieves the Spirit. Some people, including top government functionaries and business executives, attend certain social functions where they are entertained by half-naked women. Why would such people not battle with lust thereafter?

What amuses you? What do you constantly entertain yourself with? The one who is Heaven bound will always be fascinated by the Word of God and Kingdom-related movies. It is very dangerous to continue to revel in worldly amusements as they target your soul. According to today's passage, the rich are easy preys of pleasure. After being fed fat with worldly pleasures like a ram for the slaughter slab, what follows next is God's judgement. Those that live in pleasure get their hearts sealed to the extent that they become unconscious of the oppression of the poor, particularly fellow believers. Proverbs 21:17 says the love of pleasure brings poverty-both spiritual and financially. You must sieve the type of pleasure you indulge yourself in. If you are a true minister of God, you will delight in pleasing Him (Ps 103:21). If evangelism, the worship of God, study of the Word, or prayer do not excite you, your affection is set on worldly things. Check your desires today! Ask God to make the things that excite Him to excite you.

Prayer Point:

Father, Help me focus on things above, things of eternal value.

Open Heavens Online
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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Thursday, December 8, 2011


Memorise: "And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent" (1 Sam 15:29).


Read: Jeremiah 32:26-27 


God controls hope because He is in control of tomorrow. He name is Faithful and True, He will not break any promise He has made to you. This is why you should, like the psalmist, hope in Him. Let Him be the foundation of all your expectations (Psalm 42:5). When you hope in God, He will cause life to arise out of hopelessness. Instead of being downcast and depressed, your health will spring forth.

Another reason God controls hope is because He can do the impossible. Ideally, the kind of promise you make to people would be determined by your level of resources and ability, except you are engaging in self-deceit. If you are earning N5000 monthly, it would be foolhardy to promise to give somebody a gift that runs into millions of dollars. When somebody makes you a promise, before you jump up to celebrate, find out if the fellow has the resources. God can promise you anything because He has resources far beyond what He promised you. When God told my father-in-the-Lord and the founder of the RCCG, Pa Akindayomi, that He would start a church that will go all over the world through him, God did not forget the several limitations of Papa, one of which was that he was an illiterate. God had seen all your limitations before making you that outstanding, almost incredible promise. When God Himself makes a promise, He will fulfil it.

When the RCCG started, there were only 12 members. Who would believe that a worldwide vision could be given to an illiterate in a remote corner of Nigeria? In Luke 1:37, we are told that it is only when God is involved that everything is possible and nothing shall be impossible. As long as you stay connected to God, daily please Him and obey Him, He will make good on the promise He made to you. In Jeremiah 32:27, God challenges everyone and asks: 'Is anything hard for me, the God of all flesh?' God does not have difficulties in doing whatever He wants to do. Are you allowing Him to have His way in your life? God's promises to you shall come to pass with ease as long as you cooperate with Him. To what extent are you yielding to His commands today?

Key Point:

The ease with which God kept smaller promises made to you, is the same ease with which He will fulfil the bigger ones. Believe Him for something big. 

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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

WED 07/12/2011 - - LOVE IS TOUGH - - OPEN HEAVENS - - KINGDOM 28

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Memorise: "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth." (Heb 12:6).


Read: Hebrews 12:5-6 


Some years ago, I taught the students of School of Disciples that they ought to learn the art of effective praying, or else, in time to come, they may be casting out a demon for 36 hours. The earlier you get used to what is acceptable in God's Kingdom, the better. The greatest challenge a believer will face is not from the devil but from God. It is a high thing to be loved by a God who is absolutely perfect. Why? It is normal for every father to desire that his son is like him, if not better. Matthew 5:48 says we should be as perfect as our heavenly Father. God is strict but only with those He receives as His own. "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth" (Heb 12:6). Any reasonable father will be tougher on his children than on other people's children.

If we are casual friends, however little your effort would be, I would praise you. But I am usually stricter with my very close friends. For instance, if any of my casual friends comes to give me a gift, no matter how small, I would say, 'God bless you. The next time it will be more'. But if a close friend brings me a gift, I would say: 'I hope it is more than the last one; if not, take your money and leave; after all, I am not begging for money'. One of my close friends gave me a million naira during Christmas. I asked and found out that it was the same amount he brought the previous year, so I returned it to him. He left and returned with a cheque of one million and one naira, since I wanted more than the previous year's. I turned it down. Then he brought another cheque of one million, one hundred thousand naira saying that he was just trying to pull my legs. Yet, if somebody else gave me N10, I would show appreciation and bless the fellow. The same is true of God if you desire to be close to Him. In Deuteronomy 23:17, God says no harlot or homosexual will be allowed in Israel. In other words, they can be in other nations but not among His people. If God loves you, you cannot do what others are doing. Being close to God does not come cheap.

Action Point:

If God is strict with you, it means He regards you as His own. God knows your capabilities. Pray that you will never be an underperformer. 

Open Heavens Online
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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Memorise: "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men." (1 Cor 1:25).

Read: 1 Corinthians 1:20-25 


The acts or moves of God that will bring about remarkable results often begin in a little way. This is where many miss it. Philippians 2:13 says God is at work in you, but because God uses the little or base things, many of us turn ourselves away from the place God is working. Are you seeking God like Elijah in the midst of activities? You may never find Him! God is not in all that noise but in the very simple, day-to-day, ordinary activities of your life. May you not miss Him in Jesus name.

Another thing that does not make sense to mortals is a miracle. For a miracle to be worth its salt, it must defy logic. When God told Sarah that she would have a baby at the age of 90, all she could do was laugh (Gen 18:9-14). It did not make sense. If I was the one being addressed, I would have laughed even more. When at the peak of a terribly ravishing famine, the man of God announced to some people that within 24 hours, there would be abundance 2 Kings 7:1-2. It was difficult for anyone to believe because it did not make sense. No wonder the king's economic adviser said even if God was to create windows in heaven and pour food down, it would still not be possible to realize that prophecy within that time. Similarly, when Jesus got to the house of Jairus and met mourners weeping over his daughter's corpse and told them that she was only sleeping. How was this construed? All they could do was laugh Him to scorn (Mark 5:39-40), because it did not make sense. God's ways may appear foolish and that is why for you to get along with God, you must be ready to obey Him to the point of appearing foolish. He holds all the aces. He determines how He wants to intervene in any given matter. He also decides on the time of intervention. All you have to do is hear Him clearly and obey completely. Be prepared to play the fool with God and you will emerge a wise fellow. If you are too intelligent, structured, dogmatic or too scientific for God, you may end up a loser. Many believers cannot obtain their blessings simply because they are wrapped up in some foolish assignments the Lord has not given them. Do not let your intellect rob you of your miracle.

Action Point:

Do not wait until God's Word makes sense before you obey. Pray: Father, help my unbelief. 

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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Monday, December 5, 2011


Memorise: "Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?" (1 Cor 1:20).


Read: 1 Corinthians 1:19-20 


There is a thin line between wisdom and foolishness. Although these are at separate ends, yet, for the One who controls wisdom, it takes little or nothing to move somebody from one extreme to the other end of the continuum. 1 Corinthians 1:19 says, "For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent". If you wake up in the morning and realize you are still in your right senses, do not take it for granted; give God praise! Some people are proud because of their academic exploits and achievements. Such pride is foolishness! Do you know that it takes just an incident for the One who controls wisdom to turn a sane fellow mad? Many years ago, when I was very young, there was a professor of history at Ilesa who lost his mind. Whenever we were in the history class, our history teacher would buy him a keg of palm wine and he will ask us what course of history we wanted him to lecture us on.

Similarly, there was a woman in Rivers state (Nigeria) who would wake up in the morning and go with a calabash in her hand to the ocean. It's as if she wants to remove something from the water. Why? Her only son who went abroad to study was returning home by ship. After arriving at Apapa Wharf (Nigeria), on seeing his mother, he was so excited that he let go of the railing to wave at her. He missed his steps and fell. He was never found. So the mother went berserk as a result and was often seen searching for her son's body. Are you arrogant? Beware! It can take just one incident to turn you into a mad fellow. When God gives some people wisdom, they begin to use it against Him. Have you acquired knowledge, degrees or certificates and now use such against God's Kingdom? You are treading on a very dangerous path! If what you have acquired cannot be used to enlarge God's Kingdom and improve the welfare of fellow men, that knowledge is useless. Daniel 2:21 says God is the One who gives wisdom to the wise. Wisdom is a gift from God. One word of wisdom from God can confound your enemies. It is wisdom to be quiet when everybody else is talking. How wise are you?

Prayer Point:

Pray that God will keep you on the side of wisdom and keep you from foolishness. Thank God for a sound mind. 

Open Heavens Online
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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Sunday, December 4, 2011


Memorise: "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." (1 John 2:16).


Read: 2 Timothy 4:10-11 


When you love the world, it can affect salient areas of your life. This is why we must pray for leaders to shun worldly lusts and focus on the things of God. The love of the world can stand between you and your requests. A leader who loves the world will be incapable of making effective intercession for the flock. The love of the world also terminates spiritual life. The fellow who loves the world will find his or her love for God ebbing by the day. With love for the world, it will be impossible to love God with all your heart. Yet, God demands 100% love from you. "And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might" (Deut 6:5).

"For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia" (2 Tim 4:10). Another danger of loving the world is that it can lead to progressive compromise and ultimately to backsliding. One sign of knowing that your love for God is waning is that you will begin to make excuses for certain sins or wrong doings. God's standard will become so tall and unreachable, that you will come up with unhealthy substitutes. Do you find yourself explaining away premarital sex, office theft, manipulation of church records, etc.? It shows your love for God is being replaced with the love of the world. If worldly standards are now being favoured above the standards of the Bible, your love for God is fast ebbing. It starts with little complaints and finding faults with the church, church leaders, activities and programmes. Before long, one would realize how far one has drifted. Can you imagine a great leader and fellow companion of Paul becoming a victim of this? Demas, who was so consumed with the things of the Kingdom, gradually allowed worldly lusts to seep into his heart, until it was too late. He had totally backslidden. He left Paul for Thessalonica, the height of ungodliness and sinful pleasure. If Demas could fall, any leader can. Pray for God to insulate the heart of our leaders against worldliness.

Prayer Point:

Father, keep our leaders from being overtaken by worldliness. Lord, let there be provision, bountiful harvest of souls and miracles during the Holy Ghost Congress. 

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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.