Monday, September 5, 2011


Monday, September 5, 2011


Memorise: "And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!" (Luke 15:17).

Read: Luke 15:11-21 
If your present mode of serving God is devoid of commitment, the result will be unprofitable for you. Some people keep on working without considering how they work. It is not about just working but working right. It is not about just building but building on a solid foundation. Your first love is a type of foundation for Christian service. If it is lost, your works will lose their essence; they will be valueless. Are you retaining the quality of love you had for your First Love, God? Any iota of that quality of love that has diminished over the years must be fully recovered. Your first love shall be restored wholesomely in Jesus name.

In recovering your first love, there is need to go down memory lane. While addressing the church in Ephesus which was full of works but lacking in quality commitment and love, Jesus told them to remember their first works (Rev 2:5). You need to carry out a personal assessment of your works and attitude today, and compare it with how they were when you first knew the Lord. One person who successfully did this was the prodigal son. After he had spent his inheritance and began to suffer hunger, loneliness, and intense poverty, he engaged his mind and began to compare his life before his wasted trip with his life after the trip. He saw great differences and these propelled him to return to his father.

The prodigal son saw the difference. If you were born again and at some point you backslid and began to live in sin, you would notice great differences. For instance, there would be a loss of joy, peace, boldness, protection, and access to God. Fear would torment you. The enemies that were subdued when you received Jesus Christ would have legal grounds to oppress you again. How is it with you today? If you used to pray for an hour but you now can manage only 10 minutes, repent and plead for revival. Examine your commitment to personal Bible study, fasting, giving, encouragement of others and attendance of church services. Cry out to God for restoration. Today, many who started serving God with all their hearts are now serving Him with far less.

Action Point:
If you can successfully renew your commitment to God, you can achieve Heaven's original goal for your life. Pray for full restoration. 

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