Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TUE, 05/07/2011 - - SIN AND CHILDBIRTH

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Memorise: "Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." (1 Tim 2:15).
Read: Genesis 3:13-16 

The entrance of sin into planet earth changed the earthly paradise into an unending war zone. The relationship between man and everything else God made was reviewed. He now had to struggle with the ground in order to take in miserly harvests. His diet changed too! Vegetables that nutritionists commonly recommend as being ideal for human beings were originally meant for animals by God. After sin came, we now have to struggle with animals to eat their food. Have you ever seen an antelope or deer that died in the bush as a result of sickness? The reason is that as long as they maintain the food originally given to them by God, they stay in good health. Today, many people are sick because of the food they eat. Sin also brought poverty, curses, and death. Sin turns a blessing into a curse. Can you imagine that conception and childbearing which evolved as a result of God's blessing in Genesis 1:26-28, became cursed in Genesis 3:16 when sin intruded?

The story is the same today. When a woman goes to the delivery room, she is between life and death. The delivery room can be a delivery room, a labour room or death room. What was meant to deliver great joy to man has become what could cause man's greatest sorrow! That is how terrible sin is! However, 1 Timothy 2:15 gives believing women some respite: It says, "Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety". Women should never harbour resentment, unforgiveness or bitterness at anytime. An unhealthy or sinful emotional state can affect everything in conception, childbirth and the spiritual environment at home. A look at the godly Hebrew women of Exodus chapter one shows that despite their slavery, they did not need the assistance of midwives: they delivered before their arrival. That is your portion today as a godly woman! Are you pregnant and yet keeping a grudge or living in unforgiveness? Repent and release those who have offended you; do it for your sake, if not for theirs. Do not allow sin to complicate your delivery! You shall deliver safely. It is well with you.

Key Point:
The one who hopes to deliver a baby or an idea cannot afford to live in strife. 

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