Monday, July 4, 2011

MON, 04/07/2011 - - STAND STRONG

Monday, July 4, 2011


Memorise: "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might" (Eph 6:10).

Read: Ephesians 6:10-13 

In His letter to the church in Pergamos, the Lord Jesus Christ said certain things that should interest us. Those days, Pergamos was the greatest city in Asia Minor and also doubled as its capital. The Lord called it the 'Seat of Satan' because it was a great religious centre steeped in idol worship. The first thing to note in this letter is the fact that the church stood firm for Jesus in the face of strong and widespread idolatry. From this, we learn that believers are not to run from forces of darkness, it should be the other way round. John 1:5 says, "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not". If you are a child of light, you cannot flee from darkness. Darkness has no power over a true believer in Christ. If you are being over-powered for any reason, something must be wrong somewhere. It could be that you are living in sin or disobedience, or that you are not wearing the whole armour. It could even be because your light is barely seen. Some people are afraid to site their churches close to occult shrines. No! You should be happy to do so because it will give the heathen the opportunity to know that your God is far more superior. If they confront you, simply call on your God to answer them. By the time the Lord responds in anger, they will be scattered and confused (Psalm 2:1-5).

Another reason you should not turn your back to the enemy is because, of all the Christian armour, there is none meant to cover your back. This means that your back is exposed. If you turn your back to run from witches or occultists, they will attack you and keep you running. But if you withstand their threats and stand your ground, they will be the ones to retreat. Why? God fights for those who stand in His Name. You cannot withstand the devil in your strength. All God expects you to do is to stand in holiness. Stand in truth. Stand on His Word. Stand up in His Name and be bold. It is when you stand strong in His Name that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will manifest. Have you been keeping away from your town or village because of opposing evil powers? Fear not! Be clothed in all of God's armour and stand.

Action Point:
If the brethren at Pergamos could withstand the high level idolatry there, the church has no excuse for retreating from idol worshippers. 

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