Sunday, July 10, 2011

SUN, 10/07/2011 - - A Way Around Roadblocks - - OPEN HEAVENS - - KINGDOM 28

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Way Around Roadblocks

Memorise: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).

Read: Luke 17:11-19 

The Lord Jesus Christ was heading for Jerusalem and decided to go through Samaria and Galilee. In one of the villages leading to His destination, some 10 lepers met Him. According to the Law of Moses, lepers were not allowed to freely mix with the rest of society. They were to be identified by bells they chimed to warn and keep people off. Besides, they were required to maintain about 300 feet from those without the disease. These ten lepers were so desirous of healing that they thought of a way around the societal embargo. Since they had mouths, they had to shout at the top of their voices in order to be heard by the Lord. And they were not disappointed.

One lesson from this story is that there is always a way around roadblocks. Going by society's restriction on lepers, they would never have been able to come close to the Lord to make their demands known. And nobody cared for them as they had been left to die in the lepers' colony. Whenever they came into the city, people were more scared than concerned. Nobody wanted to come close, so as not to be defiled. Yet, they found a way around their roadblock. Is there a roadblock on your path to breakthrough? Has society, put certain laws in place to prevent your rise, as it was the case with these lepers? Or are there roadblocks to your rise in your office or career? The good news is that God knows the way around every roadblock and if only you can prayerfully look up to Him, He will show you the way.

The second lesson is that they acted on God's Word contrary to common sense. That is faith. The Lord asked them to go and show themselves to the priest and they obeyed. According to Leviticus 14, it was a leper who had been cleansed, that was required to go and meet the priest for check up, as well as to perform the ceremonial cleansing that would enable him to be received back into the society. When they were asked to go, they looked at themselves but saw no improvement on their health situation. They could have refused or said if they were not healed they would not go. But they said, 'Since the Master asked us to go, let us obey and see what would come out of it'. As they obeyed, the healing manifested. When God's Word is sent to you, the power is present with you waiting to see your obedience before it manifests. If you are lacking in obedience, the manifestation of the blessing may not be evident. To what extent do you obey His Word?

Prayer Point:
Father, show me the way around the roadblocks on my path to success.

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