Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tue, 05/04/2011 | Wasting Or Redeeming?

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Submission And Leadership

Memorise: "And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:" (1 Cor 1:28).
Read: 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 
In John 17:6, Jesus said that the leaders He chose were God's. They were God's property and in God's custody before the Lord Jesus asked and they were given Him. This simply tells us that all the leaders we need are in God's custody. However, it takes asking right to be able to get them. To get leaders at all, you must pray. To get the right leaders, you must pray effectively. The quality of leaders you get is a function of the quality of prayer made. However, since God is the One who assigns leaders in His vineyard in response to the needs or prayers of His church, it therefore follows that if you manipulated your way into your present position, or used fraudulent means to get there, you are surely not one of those that Heaven assigned. You are advised to resign immediately.

Moreover, besides being dead to self as a true Kingdom leader, you must be ready to become a fool. A fool in this context can be defined as the fellow who is not sure of what he or she wants, someone who cannot exercise his or her rights over what to do, where to go. To become a Kingdom leader, you must be ready to go wherever He sends you, and to do whatever the Lord wants done without asking questions. When the apostles of Jesus became fools in God's hands, it became easy for God to use them as He pleased. To witness God's unprecedented move like in the Bible days, we must get to a point of total submission. Today, in the Christian fold, some people brag about knowing what they want; whereas, the issue is not about what they want but what they need. You may know what you want, but do you really know what you need? One attribute you need is total submission. You need to submit to God to the point that you are viewed as a fool. Are you submissive to God? If you were sent to a parish or location far below your social, financial or academic status, will you go? If you are still giving God conditions before accepting His directive, it shows you are not yet ready to be a Kingdom leader. May God release upon you the grace to submit to Him as never before.

Key Point:
True leaders in God's Kingdom have only one agenda: God!

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