Thursday, April 7, 2011
Keeping Promises
Memorise: "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (Num 23:19).
Read: Numbers 23:18-20
Before you hold on to a promise, you should first get to know the person who made it. If a little boy meets you and offers to buy you a car, you will simply assume he is 'prophesying'. But if a billionaire who has integrity asks you to come and pick your choice car the following week, you will go home celebrating. The One who is making great promises to His own is the One called Jehovah El-Shaddai-the God that is more than enough (Gen 17:1). His super-abundance can swallow up the lack in the lives of all. Psalm 91:1 also refers to Him as the Most High and the Almighty God. He is the custodian of power. In fact, He is so powerful that He can raise children out of stones (Matt 3:9). Are you left with just stones? This wonderful God can turn stones into your desired blessings. Unlike us, He does not need to be very careful about the raw materials to use. He can organize several different combinations and still achieve His desired outcome. He is the God of all flesh who knows no impossibility (Jer 32:27). Are you grappling with an impossible situation? Simply refer it to the Jehovah El-Shaddai and you will have your desired result. Ezekiel 37:1-10 says He is the God of the dry bones, the One who can instruct them and they will respond.
However, sometimes, when a man of means makes a promise, you cannot be sure if it will be fulfilled or not. There is a man I know whose, 'I am coming' means 'I am leaving'. There are a couple of instances where some people met me and with much excitement announced that a particular important dignitary said he was coming but he never did. Are you like that? As a father, do you promise to buy some biscuit or ice cream for your children on returning home, but fail to do so? And when you forget to keep your word, do you intimidate them with an unfriendly face, harsh voice or deliberately find faults, all in a bid to cover up? If you do, you lack integrity. Don't make promises you cannot keep. If you have promised, then keep it. If for any genuine reason you fail to meet up, politely apologize and make it good next time. When a parent loses credibility before the children, it becomes difficult for that child to believe that others can keep their words. Keep your word! Be like God who never goes back on His Word!
Key Point:
If believers can be men and women of their words, this world cannot be the same. Make good on your promises.
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