Sunday, April 10, 2011
More Than A Rod
Memorise: "And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod" (Exodus 4:2).
Read: Exodus 4:1-5
Sacrificial giving is an appropriate thing to do during your time of favour. Yet, it is not limited to money as being popularly taught among preachers today. While the widow of Mark 12:41-44 gave all her money, the widow of Zarephath gave all her food. In the same vein, Jephthah gave his only child to God while Abraham gave his only son Isaac. David was not left out as he gave all his heart to God while the young boy in one of Jesus' crusades parted with his only meal. Stephen and Jesus Christ on the other hand gave their lives. These all have something in common-sacrifice, although the degree varies from one individual to another. If all these people could win in the 'giving contest', you may need to ask: 'what can I give?'. You have precious resources highly valued by God which you can give. You can sacrificially offer to God your time, talents, spiritual endowments and gifts, material possessions, academic and vocational aptitudes and abilities. Moses had a shepherd's rod. When he gave it to God, it became the rod of deliverance. You definitely have more than a rod to give!
In addition to sacrificial giving, another thing you can do during the time of your favour is pray. In fact, you must not stop this at any point in time because Jesus Christ says "... that men ought always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1).If you are weary in praying, you are still a babe. For years Hannah prayed and when her time of favour came, it met her still praying! No wonder she got her specific desire! Similarly, Zacharias the priest and his wife Elizabeth prayed all their youthful years but no child came. But when their time of favour came, it met them still praying, even at old age. No wonder they got the greatest of all prophets for a son (Luke 1:10-14). Never keep silent; keep on praying. You will soon reach the point that your prayers are answered.
Action Point:
Prayer is key! You need to pray without ceasing.
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