Saturday, April 30, 2011

SAT, 30/04/2011 | ANY PROOF OF GOD'S FEAR?

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Memorise: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever." (Psalm 111:10).

Read: Proverbs 14:26-27 
Apart from learning that no problem lasts forever through the death of the Egyptian king recorded in Exodus 2:23-25, we also learn that only God is eternal. All earthly kings were born one day and would die one day. But the King of kings has no beginning or ending. He was before anything else existed and would continue to exist, without any question, after all is melted and gone. "Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen" (1 Tim 1:17). Little wonder He calls Himself the I AM THAT I AM (Exod 3:14). He is the self-existent One. He does not depend on anything or anyone to live, as we humans do. Malachi 3:6 says He is the God that never changes. This means the passing of time never adds to or subtracts from Him. He maintains His essence before and after time. He never grows old. Age does not affect God the way it affects mortals.

The implication of God being eternal is that He alone should be feared. The day you begin to fear God is the day you are seen as being truly wise (Ps 11:10). If you fear men but do not fear God, you are of all men most foolish. In fact, Matthew 10:28 says the terror of man is limited; hence, men should not be feared. That boss threatening you has limited power. Is he asking you to violate God's Word? Don't! The worst he can do is to sack you or cook up stories against you. Now, when God says that boss has reached his limits, he cannot go any further. God, however, is to be feared because not only are His powers and abilities unlimited on earth, they reign also in the hereafter. Decisions on who goes to heaven or hell are with Him. Do you fear God? If you do, you would keep a distance from anything He hates. Are you frolicking with sin and still claiming to fear God? If you fear Him, you will hate sin. If you fear Him, you will not fear men. If you fear Him, it would affect the company you keep. It would affect the places you go and the things you do. If you fear God, you will focus on the things that make Him happy. What is the proof that you fear God? Ask for the genuine fear of God.

Prayer Point:
The fear of God is a very scarce commodity in the Christian community. Ask God to put in you the Spirit of the fear of God.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Friday, April 29, 2011


Memorise: "And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel." (Mark 5:20).
Read: Mark 5:14-20
In Mark 1:40-45, an erstwhile leper went everywhere sharing the testimony of his healing with all and sundry, and in the process became a channel of blessing to many. Has God done something in your life? Go and share it with others. Never conceal your testimonies because several lives can be transformed through them. You cannot tell the life-long impact of that testimony you are hoarding!

By the grace of God I am a living witness of the reality of divine healing and health. But it was not so at the time of my conversion. After I got born again, I was down with malaria every two weeks. In those days, I heard pastors preach that because Jesus is the Great Physician, medication was unnecessary. I laughed at them, saying they were looking for someone to kill. I was grateful that they had shown me the way to Heaven, but they should not send me there prematurely. In any case, I argued, "How do I know if they are not secretly ingesting medicine in the confines of their homes?"

In our church those days, there was an old man of about 86 years. He used a walking stick and was bent over. He said while in his youth, he contracted a venereal disease which brought about a burning sensation whenever he walked straight. Relief only came whenever he stooped. One fateful Sunday morning, this elder stood upright without any aid. I asked what had happened and he promised to share his testimony during the evening service. That evening, I was the first to get to church. Papa said that when he travelled home for a holiday, he began a house-to-house evangelism daily. At some point, the devil said to him, 'Old man, stop deceiving people: Go and sit down. If your Jesus is so powerful, why has He not healed you?' On hearing this, holy anger arose within him and he challenged the devil: "Satan, are you laughing at my God?" Immediately, he broke the walking stick and started to walk straight amidst intense pain. Then he said, "If I am going to die, I am ready, but I will never walk bent again, and neither will you, Satan, ever laugh at my God again". Feeling a wave of dizziness, he implored God to not let him die on the street but at home. He continued walking home in pain, sweating profusely. Before he got home, the pain disappeared. When I heard his testimony, I believed it, and from that day on, I resolved to make Jesus my doctor. For more than 35 years now, He has kept me in divine health. Share your testimony like the Gadarene demoniac of Mark 5:1-20 did. You will be amazed at its effect!

Action Point
List 10 powerful things God has done for you in different areas. Prayerfully select 10 people facing challenges in those areas and share your testimonies with them. Pray for them to have testimonies too. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Thursday, April 28, 2011


Memorise: "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." (Matt 7:25).

Read: Matthew 14:22-25 
Apart from Abraham, another Bible character who benefited from great divine promises was Joseph. In Genesis 37:3-11, he saw his brothers bowing to him in a dream. This was followed by another dream in which his whole family, including his father, bowed to him. These were great promises for young Joseph. By a twist of fate, the one who was expecting to occupy a throne and enjoy the obeisance of others was a slave en route Egypt (Gen 39:1-5). Later, in Genesis 39:19-23, he found himself in prison. Oh! How he would have wondered: 'God! What of your promises to me?' Eventually, after several years, he found himself on the throne of Egypt with his brothers doing obeisance and offering to be his servants. One thing we learn from this is that the one who has God's promise may be required to go through situations that seem to negate it. God promised Abraham that he would be the father of nations, yet, he spent several years in childlessness. In the same vein, God promised Joseph honour, and respect and a position of relevance with virtually everyone at his beck and call; yet, he spent several years serving others, taking instructions from them. In both cases, nonetheless, God's Word prevailed.

This tells us that one who is undergoing an unpleasant situation has the potential of experiencing the exact opposite of what he or she is going through. Are you the laughing stock of those around you? Shortly, you shall be celebrated by all and sundry. Are you barren now? Soon, you shall be a joyful parent. Have you been meeting with several disappointments? Don't give up! An appointment that will rewrite your history for good is just around the corner. Satan's strategy is to make you experience everything contrary to God's promise for your life so that you can give up on His promise. Don't give up! If you remain dogged in the fight and continue to hold on to God's Word, the devil will give up. Another lesson here is that the negative situations you go through are not powerful enough to stop God's promises from coming to pass. Expect contrary winds, but hold on to God's Word that is forever settled. In today's reading, the Lord asked the disciples to go to the other side, yet they still faced contrary winds that got them stuck mid-sea for hours! As you hold on firmly to His Word, every contrary wind will give way this season!

Action Point:
A house, family or project built on the Rock will withstand any storm or wind. Build on the Rock.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Memorise: "And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite." (Prov 23:2).

Read: Proverbs 23:1-3 
Storing excessive fat in the body leads to being overweight or obese, which in turn leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea, heart attack, heart failure, arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. One major cause of obesity is over-eating or gluttony. Food is good but excessive food is injurious to a good healthy life. Some people cannot stop their mouths whenever they see food. Even when their stomach is full, they still continue to eat especially when 'free food' is on offer. They are simply endangering their health! The bottom line is moderation. Proverbs 25:16 says, "Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it". We really need restraint when it comes to the quality and quantity of food we consume. Proverbs 24:13 confirms that honey is good for the body. It is a lot better than refined sugar if you are advanced in years. It is easier for your digestive system to break down the sugar in honey than that in refined sugar. Replace your intake of sugar with honey.

However, as good as honey is, it should be taken in moderation. If you take it in excess at a particular time, it could lead to vomiting. This simply means that even when you are eating the right kind of healthy foods, it should be done in moderation. Gluttons are their own worst enemies. What they love the most ends up writing their obituaries! Is your excessive eating habit gradually sending you to an early grave? Stop it today! You have to be strict with yourself. According to today's passage, if you love food too much, you must put a knife to your throat. In other words, exercise great restraint when you see food. Learn to say 'No' to offers of food. Learn to eat right. It is not only the quantity of food that matters but the quality also. Learn to fast. Sometimes, you can do a food fast that is not necessarily for spiritual blessings. Fasting is also good for the body's cleansing and metabolism. Remember that many are in the grave today, not because of any witch or wizard, but because of their appetite for food. Do not eat what will kill you, but what would sustain your life.

Action Point:
Consult nutritionists on the benefits of honey. Maximize these benefits for your good.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Memorise: "But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." (Job 23:10).

Read: Exodus 2:1-4 
To be chosen as a Kingdom leader, it is good to possess faith, meekness, obedience, knowledge of God etc. God therefore wants His candidates for ecclesiastical leadership to go through some training. No one is a custodian of all vital leadership traits. This means, we may lack one or more qualities we need, to be what we are meant to be. The good news is that through the process of training, such missing traits can be acquired.

God is the best Trainer in the universe. Also, He hardly uses those He has not trained. Before He pushes you into the battlefront, He will first ensure that your fingers have been groomed to fight (Ps 144:1). Similarly, God is the One who decides the place and duration of your training, vis-à-vis His purpose for your life. However, your inputs also count. That is, if you easily cooperate with Him, you may not exceed your appointed training period. But if you prove to be tough, stubborn or slow at learning, you may extend the divine timetable. Do you learn from the events, situations and circumstances that you go through? If you don't, you may need to repeat those classes and examinations. Hence, God wants only those who are teachable.

God decides the location of training. He also determines whether we are prepared for an assignment or not. Before using Moses, He arranged for him to go through formal education in the palace of Egypt for 40 years. Some people are in the palace now, but do not know that they are undergoing some training for a period, to enable them fit into God's original purpose for their lives. Moses' peculiar education also tells us that your academic qualifications can still be relevant, and may just be part of God's preparation for you. However, it is not enough. Even if you have 10 doctorate degrees, you will still need another form of training. For this reason, Moses had to go to the wilderness for another 40 years training, to learn what University education could not teach him. He learnt meekness and patience through the tough task of leading sheep. What you cannot learn from men, God may send you to learn from animals, even ants. Are you ready to learn from God?

Key Point:
Moses spent 80 years to prepare for a 40 year long ministry. This means that years of preparation may sometimes be twice as much as years of service. How prepared are you?

Monday, April 25, 2011

MON, 25/04/2011 | WALKING BY FAITH

Monday, April 25, 2011


Memorise: "(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)" (2 Cor 5:7).
Read: Galatians 5:24-25 
According to 2 Corinthians 4:18, it takes you downplaying your physical senses to bring your spiritual senses into the limelight. Whatever is seen is temporal. Boy, do men love things that are temporal! If you love cars, houses, lands and other material things, you are not different from any other man. However, if you love the things of the Spirit and place them at the top of your hierarchy of needs, you will stand out. This season, the Lord will help you to value the unseen, eternal things far above the mundane.

In 1 Kings 18:41-45, the prophet of God declared that there was a sound of abundance of rain, right at the peak of a three-year-long famine. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight:" In other words, anyone who would rely on sight in his or her walk with God, will not be able to go far with God. In fact, such a fellow may not be able to go anywhere at all. The scripture above says faith constitutes the legs with which a believer moves. Without faith, there is no motion. As long as it is your senses you engage in an attempt to achieve that goal or vision, it will be 'all noise and no motion'. But if you can put on the legs of faith, you will see yourself making progress. Why? Faith is the language of the Spirit while sight is the language of the world. You cannot relate with God except through faith (Heb 11:6). If you say you believe in God but you are not making progress, examine yourself carefully: sight might have been engaged and needs to be disengaged for the result that comes by faith to be seen. Once God has spoken, the matter is settled. God's Word is enough for children of faith. If God's Word is not enough for you, and you think you still need to combine it with candles and other ritualistic materials, you are not living the life of faith. If you wait until you see the result of an event before you believe, you are not living the life of faith. A place of faith is a place of honour. The three Hebrew children walked by faith into Nebuchadnezzar's fire. At the end, their faith brought Jesus Christ into that fire, and thereafter, they were honoured by the same king who had earlier ordered them dead. If you can take a walk of faith based on God's Word, it will bring you honour.

Action Point:
Faith constitutes not only the hands to receive from God but also the legs to draw nearer Him. It is indispensable! 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

SUN, 24/04/2011 | SIN AND FAVOUR

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Memorise: "Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." (John 5:14).
Read: John 5:2-8, 14 
One quality you must possess in order to attract God's favour is the ability to worship Him. Another indispensable quality of one who seeks divine favour is the ability to surrender all. In Matthew 8:1-3, the leper laid everything at the feet of the Master and worshipped Him. He surrendered all to Him. Many who claim to have surrendered all to Jesus do not really understand what it means to do so. To surrender all is to give up everything; to relinquish control. If you have surrendered your life to Jesus, how come you are still the one calling the shots? If you were holding something, and then you surrendered it, it implies it is no more in your custody. Many believers do not surrender their lives; they only loan them out to the Lord for a period. Are you loaning or surrendering your life to the Master? The bitter truth is that God knows the difference, irrespective of what we claim with our mouths.

I preached one Sunday morning on 'I Surrender All'. Thereafter, a man came to me, thanked me for the beautiful sermon, and then said he has surrendered all to Jesus. When I hinted him we would like to make use of his car the following day, he replied that being a working day, he would need the car. So, I smiled and told him there was really no need for his car but that I just wanted to make him realize he was yet to truly surrender all like he claimed. Have you surrendered all to Jesus?

Still, another quality you must have to secure divine favour is that your sins must be forgiven. Sin and divine favour are miles apart; hence, you must ensure there is no sin in your life capable of hindering your favour. This was why the Lord had to forgive the paralytic before healing him in Mark 2:1-12. After being forgiven, you must not continue in sin, according to John 5:14. Some believers who commit sin in secret are rejoicing in their hearts that they have not been found out. They think all is well. No! All is not well. If only God would open their eyes to know the extent sin has set them back, or their blessings that have been diverted away from them. Sin steals from the sinner. Sin never gives to the sinner.

Action Point:
List ten evidences of true surrender to Christ in your life. If these are lacking, ask God for the grace to completely surrender to Him

Saturday, April 23, 2011

SAT, 23/04/2011 | SAY NO TO SUICIDE!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Memorise: "Thou shalt not kill" (Exo 20:13).
Read: Acts 1:16-20 
Although there is an appointment with death, it can be fast-forwarded by touching God's anointed. This season, all agents of darkness plotting your death and downfall, shall go earlier to keep their appointment with death, long before its time in Jesus name. Apart from touching God's anointed, some people deliberately fast-forward their appointment with death by eating, or drinking, or doing what could terminate their lives. This is suicide. It can either be immediate or come slowly. Such people are following the steps of their mentor-Judas Iscariot. Acts 1:18 says of him, "Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out". Judas was so disappointed with himself after he sold his innocent Master that he allowed spirits of suicide to take control of him. All he had was remorse-just bitter feelings and regret but not godly sorrow which leads to true repentance and forgiveness (2 Cor 7:10). Are you under demonic pressure to take your life, jump off a moving vehicle, jump off a cliff or into the lagoon? You are surrounded by suicide spirits that want to fast-forward your appointment with death. In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke every suicide spirit around you to loose their hold over your life now. You shall not die. Every plan to fast-forward your appointment with death is cancelled now.

However, anyone smoking cigarettes, cigar or taking alcohol is fast-forwarding his or her appointment with death. If you are taking mind-bending substances such as heroine, cocaine, marijuana etc., you are fast-forwarding your appointment with death. This is slow suicide. You have no right to stop a life you did not start. For this reason, eternal hell is the dwelling place for those who commit suicide. Do you know that the devil deceives some people by telling them that their suffering is second to none and they should just end it all and rest? But the Bible says there is no such rest for the wicked. Instead of rest, they will find themselves in burning hell. This time, it is suffering that is forever. Say no to suicide! Stop taking anything that can kill you. Your life is precious to God.

Key Point:
Through unchecked self-medication, some people have fast-forwarded their appointment with death. Be careful! 

Friday, April 22, 2011


Friday, April 22, 2011


Memorise: "And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." (Dan 11:32).
Read: Mark 1:40-45 

When God moves you from the level of merely being blessed to becoming a blessing, you will be able to affect individuals, communities, cities, nations and the entire world. May God's blessing on you never be limited to you but flow to others. Scripture gives us some specific ways to impact others. Daniel 11:32 says knowledge of God can promote exploits. If you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Saviour, whether recently or over the years, you would have known or experienced God to some degree hence, God wants you to use such a knowledge or experience to benefit His Kingdom and change the lives of those around you. Have you used what you have known about God for the benefit of your neighbours?

Let's say for instance, you know God as the Great Physician (Exodus 15:26). When He performs an operation, unlike human doctors, no blood is spilled. The first operation that was ever done was by this God. It was performed on Adam in the Garden of Eden and there was no blood or scar left afterwards (Gen 2:21-23). Psalm 107:20 says this Great Physician is so powerful that all He has to do is speak and a healing takes place. 1 Peter 2:24 tells us that He has already fully paid for the healing of the nations by the stripes He received. You know these truths about God, and you have even benefited from the healing that comes from Him. However, so many people out there are ignorant of this. They are still running helter-skelter because they do not know what to do, especially when the situation is beyond medical science. What God expects from you is to use what you know about Him as the Great Physician in such a way as to provide healing for those who are ignorant. That is, you should speak up and tell them of the God that can heal any type of sickness or disease. Share with them the testimonies of those He has already healed-preferably people with similar health conditions and encourage them to come to Him and receive their healing. Many people who could have received their healing through your testimony are dying. Stop this from happening and become a channel of blessing to them!

In today's reading, a leper met the Lord and he was healed. Then the Lord told him to tell no one. The man must have laughed within him, and said: 'How can a leper like me who lived in the bush for several years fail to tell people what the Lord did for me?' He therefore told everyone everywhere he went of the healing and many responded by going to Jesus and they too were healed. This season, help people to receive their miracles by pointing them to Jesus. You will be highly rewarded for this.

Action Point:
Being a blessing is all about using God's gifts in your life to point others to the Giver. How many people have you pointed to the Saviour this year? Lead some souls to Christ this weekend.  

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Thursday, April 21, 2011


Memorise: "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;" (Rom 4:20).

Read: Genesis 15:1-5 
Over the ages, promises have been made. Some were kept while others were not. Some were made by men while others were made by God. When an insignificant person makes a big promise, he will need to connect to the inexhaustible and unlimited God in order to bring it into fruition. It takes a great God to make and keep great promises. Every promise the Lord has made to you shall come to pass this season in Jesus name.

One beneficiary of God's great promises was Abraham. While still battling with barrenness of several years, God called him outside one night and asked him to count the stars. He counted until he lost count and told God there was no way he could count all the stars in the sky. 'Really? So shall your children be uncountable', God replied. This was a great promise to a barren man. After waiting fruitlessly, God came again one day and told him his children would be as the sand on the sea shore (Gen 17:15-18). Although at some point, his wife Sarah laughed yet, they still held on to that promise and today several billions of Jews, Christians and Muslims claim to be children of Abraham-a hitherto childless man! What has the God of Abraham promised you that appears impossible today? Hold on in faith and it will come to pass.

Romans 4:16-22 tells us that Abraham earned his highly coveted prize-the Father of Believers (Rom 4:11). A close look at this passage reveals some of the traits we can adopt in order to realize God's promises to us. He had hope in a hopeless situation. Can you still trust God for the healing of that so-called terminal disease diagnosed by your doctor? Also, although his faith went through storms, he did not allow himself to be boxed into a state of permanent weakness. If you have resigned yourself to fate, it shows that your faith is experiencing permanent weakness. This is highly dangerous for the one who is expecting God to fulfil a great promise in his or her life. In addition, he ignored the negative evidences of his body and that of Sarah. Whenever you acknowledge negative circumstances, God's promise will gradually become a mirage. If, however, you want God's great promises fulfilled in your life, be like Father Abraham. Is your faith weak? Have you given up hope? Rise up and continue from where you stopped!

Prayer Point:
Ask God for the grace not to be weak in faith until you achieve your goal.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WED, 20/04/2011 | WHAT WISDOM?

Wednesday, April  20, 2011


Memorise: "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy" (James 3:17).

Read: Lev 11:1 - Lev 13:59
“This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish" (James 3:15). Today's reading talks about wisdom. Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge. It could be from God or from the devil. In this passage, the two are contrasted. How can you identify the wisdom of the devil? Any suggestion or action that accommodates bitterness is devilish. No matter how laudable an action plan or step is, the moment bitterness is introduced into it, it turns devilish. In other words, you can have a God-glorifying programme that originated from God; if somewhere along the line the leaven of bitterness enters, God will step aside while the devil takes over. Anything you want to do that is born out of bitterness is not of God. Bitterness harms its host as well as its target. An embittered fellow will struggle with forgiving the one who has offended him or her. Is there any bitterness in your heart against an offender? Forgive and release that individual today. Any counsel or advice that fans the embers of bitterness is not of God.

Another work of satanic wisdom is envy. Anything you do out of envy will definitely negate God's will and Word. Any advice given to you with envy as its focal point is definitely not from above. In addition to these, any counsel that is strife-ridden is not of God. If you are given an advice and as you plan to follow it, you become troubled in your inner man, it is most likely not from God. God's wisdom gives you peace because it emanates from the Prince of Peace. Satanic wisdom is devoid of purity. Any counsel that has any element of sinful compromise is not from above. Any advice that requires you to be harsh, unkind, or proud is not of God. An exception here is where you are required to be forceful or violent in resisting temptation. It is satanic wisdom that compels you to withdraw mercy from those that need it. Any advice devoid of the fruit of the Holy Spirit recorded in Galatians 5:22-23 is definitely not of God. The fruit of the Spirit will definitely back up any counsel emanating from Heaven. Any counsel that has elements of partiality or hypocrisy is not from Heaven. What kind of wisdom have you been operating? Key into the heavenly wisdom today.
Action Point:Wisdom grows when it receives the right food. What are you feeding your present level of wisdom with?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Memorise: "Now the just shall live by faith: But if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him" (Heb 10:38).

Read: Hebrews 10:35-38
Apart from obedience and knowledge of God, another quality Heaven looks out for in appointing leaders is meekness. According to 1 Samuel 15:17, this quality was in King Saul before his appointment as the first king of Israel. Unfortunately, because he could not sustain the virtue, it cost him his throne. Are you meek? If you must be relevant in Kingdom leadership, you must be meek. One way of identifying a meek fellow is by looking at how teachable the fellow is. Are you teachable? Are you willing to learn even from your subordinates? The disciples the Lord called to leadership had this virtue. Some people find it difficult to obey God's Word. So, they split the Bible into two halves: one half for reading and obeying and the other half is for reading only. That means their hearts are only opened to portions they like, while they close the same heart to portions they hate. If some people had their way, they would have expunged certain portions of Scriptures. If you feel that way, it is because you are not meek. The heart of a meek fellow is open to God's Word-from Genesis to Revelation. Does God's Word have a free course in your heart?

In addition to this, a person with the potential for Kingdom leadership must have faith. This quality is most crucial as its presence is vital in every facet of life and ministry. Like the disciples, it takes faith to receive the Word of God and act upon it, for it to produce your desired outcome. My faith in God made me to leave the city of Lagos to reside in the jungle of the Redemption Camp many years ago. When God said it, I believed the word and took a step of faith in relocating. Today, this same location is fast becoming a city! In Genesis 12, Abraham set out for a location God was yet to disclose due to his faith. Most people would prefer to be told where exactly to go before they decide whether to go or not. Faith, however, will cause the faithful to step forward, even when the destination is unclear. Do you know that in the course of serving God, situations could arise where only faith is required to go through it? Fine, you want to lead God's people, but do you have the faith such an important task requires?
Prayer Point:Ask God to increase the faith level in the leaders of the body of Christ. Lord, increase my faith daily.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Monday, April 18, 2011


Memorise: "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." (2 Cor 4:18).

Read: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Israel was going through one of their driest seasons in history. There was no rain for over three years at a stretch. It was one of their most trying moments. In the midst of hopelessness and oblivion, a prophet of God suddenly rose up and said: "I hear the sound of abundance of rain" (1 Kg 18:41-45). If you were to check the skyline, you would not see the slightest sign of rain. However, 2 Chronicles 20:20 says your ability to believe God's prophet is what brings prosperity. Our God is no talkative. Usually He will speak once on any subject. If He speaks twice on the same subject, it means it is serious. Anytime He is speaking on a matter for the third time, you will be sure it is critical. And if He speaks on a matter up to four times, it is extraordinary. Now, God said the just shall live by faith four whole times.

If you were to look around you today, there may be no sign of rain, much less abundance of rain. But by the grace of God, I want to assure you that I have heard the sound of abundance of rain. 2 Corinthians 4:18 says, "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal". Sight and focus are very crucial in accessing God's blessings. Before you can see the unseen, first take off your eyes from the things you can see. One reason many people cannot see into the spirit realm is because they are fixated on what they can see. If you are always moved by sight, then you may not be able to see or receive what ordinary eyes cannot see. Physical sight is a major hindrance to spiritual sight. It is when you downplay physical sight that you will be introduced to the realm of the supernatural. The one who is fixed on what he can see will be unable to fit into God's plan for his or her life. That you cannot hear the sound does not mean the rain is not coming. You must be prepared to stop your physical ears; stop listening to what is happening around you, and what people are saying about the economy. This way, your inner ears will awaken to what the Spirit is saying. Step down on the physical to activate the spiritual.
Prayer Point:Stepping down on your physical senses activates your spiritual senses. Ask that God will frustrate activities of ritualists in your nation, and cause their hidden locations to be exposed and consumed by fire.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Sunday, April 17, 2011


Memorise: "But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel." (Ps 22:3).

Read: Matthew 8:1-3
Prayer is an indispensable weapon for every believer. One thing your day of favour should meet you doing is praying. The day that your prayer collides with your time of favour, you may not need to repeat that particular prayer request anymore because the answer will surface. May your prayers collide with your time of favour this season!

Another important step to take during your time of favour is to praise God. Psalm 22:3 says, "But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel". If your time of favour comes and it meets you praising and worshipping God, you can be certain your desire is granted. Many people start with praises, but when Heaven delays its response, their song gradually changes from praise to uncertainty. If nothing positive happens soon, it further degenerates into a song of complaints. If this is unchecked, it is soon replaced by songs of bitterness and judgemental comments against God. This is why many people with doubts, complaints and bitterness miss their time of favour. Pray that your day of favour will not meet you in a state that can rob you of your blessings.

On the other hand, there are certain qualities the Lord is looking for in those He will favour. The more of such qualities you possess, the easier and more likely you will become a candidate of divine favour. In John 4:21-24, the Bible records that God is carrying out a manhunt for God-worshippers. No wonder David was most favoured by God! Do you know that nowadays some believers are more favoured than others because of their position as worshippers? Can God look through your city and say you are His worshipper? God looked all over the world and found David. In today's reading, the multitudes thronged and followed Jesus. One fellow, a leper, however, drew closer, dropped on his knees and worshipped Him. The Lord could not ignore him. He had no choice but to cleanse him. One category of believers God cannot ignore is worshippers. This leper risked his life-with the possibility of being stoned to death-by smuggling himself to fall at the feet of Jesus. True worshippers are risk-takers. They are ready to die as long as they have the opportunity to worship the Lord. Are you a convenience worshipper or a risk-taking worshipper?
Prayer Point:Thank God for all the Christian leaders in your nation. Pray that God will gracefully reposition them as channels of blessings to your nation and beyond.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Saturday, April  16, 2011


Memorise: "Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm." (Psalm 105:15).

Read: Acts 12:20-23
Hebrews 9:27 says that every human being, no matter how highly placed, has an appointment with death. If there is one thing influential and affluent people have always wanted, it is to change this appointment and live forever. Some have paid very dearly in the pursuit of this goal, yet they died. Everyone that wants you terminated shall be terminated long before you. You shall outlive your enemies! Moreover, although there is a set date for the death of your enemies, that date could be fast-forwarded. That is, they could hasten their day of appointment with death by touching God's anointed. Any unbeliever who is planning your death will make Heaven review his or her appointment with death forward. By touching God's servant, intercessions on that fellow's behalf can be voided, leaving him or her without mercy. Consequently, the slightest error would be used by Heaven to hasten his appointment with death.
One victim of this was King Herod. In Acts 12:1, Herod beheaded James. This kind of death was seen as disgraceful among the synagogue leaders in those days. He did this to score political points with the Jews. When the move was applauded, he planned to kill Peter also. God sent an angel to rescue Peter but unknown to Herod, his record was brought before God for a review. Then one day, as he stood on the podium, well-dressed in his royal attire, he made an excellent oratory which made his guests-the people of Tyre and Sidon to give him a standing ovation. To further flatter him, they said he spoke like a god. That minute, God asked an angel to strike him dead. From the height of honour, Herod descended into the worst level of disgrace. As he fell down and his aides swarmed on him to attend to him, they immediately ran back as thousands of worms began to wriggle out and in his pores. In minutes, all that was left of Herod was skeleton! He died the most shameful death they ever knew! Herod was supposed to live longer but he cut his life short by touching God's anointed. Are you touching God's anointed? Are you a believer maltreating a fellow believer in Christ? You may just be fast-forwarding your appointment with death! Repent and restitute today!
Prayer Point:Father, in any way I have fast-forwarded my appointment with death, have mercy and move it backwards in Jesus name.

Friday, April 15, 2011

FRI, 15/04/2011 | BEING A BLESSING

Friday, April 15, 2011


Memorise: "Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them" (Acts 8:5).

Read: Acts 8:5-8 
It is one thing to be blessed and another to be a blessing. God starts by blessing His own but wants them to end up being a blessing to others. In Deuteronomy 28:1-12, there is a list of blessings that pertain to the one who has moved from just being blessed to being a blessing: There is an abundance of blessings that you will be running from, yet they will continue to pursue you; enemies who attack you will scatter and flee in seven different directions. In addition, it says you will lend to nations. Until you reach the level where countries are taking loans from you, you are yet to know true wealth. According to Leviticus 25:7-49, at such a level of wealth, if your relatives sell some of their property because of poverty, you would go and buy it back and return it to them. Or if they become so impoverished to a point of selling themselves, you would go and buy them back. It is the duty of the strong to help the weak (Rom 15:1). It is when you are financially strong that you will be able to help the financially weak. With all the resources God has blessed you with, how many people have benefited from you?

Talking of blessing others, some think it is limited to money. Not true. Whatever God has deposited in your life can be channelled towards blessing others. It may be a gift, talent, anointing, academic intelligence, material substances, etc. Similarly, in becoming a blessing, there are different categories. You do not have to start from the highest but from the lowest rung. For instance, you can be a blessing to an individual. In Acts 3:1-8, God used Peter to heal a lame beggar. Do you know you can be a vessel through which God's healing power can be channelled to the sick? You can meet the need of a financially impoverished brother or sister. How many individuals have you impacted this year? Besides individuals, you can also be a blessing to a city. God used Philip to deliver joy to the city of Samaria (Acts 8:5-8). Beyond these, an individual can become a blessing to a nation. In Genesis 41:33-44, Joseph was a blessing to the nation of Egypt. God used him to preserve lives. In addition, you can become a blessing to the whole world like our Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:29). However, start by affecting individuals, then communities, cities, nations, and ultimately the entire world. Do not let any opportunity God gives you to bless others slip away; maximize them and you will be on the rise.

Action Point:
When you are a blessing to a few, God will give you the opportunity of blessing more! Seize every opportunity to bless others. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Thursday, April 14, 2011


Memorise: "For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast." (Psalm 33:9).

Read: Psalm 33:8-9 
God's Word has integrity. God and His Word cannot be separated. Whatever He says has the power of coming into being. God can promise you anything because He has more than enough resources and the willingness to deliver it. Once He has spoken a word of promise, hold fast unto it, not minding whether it looks feasible or not. Over a period of time, it will surely come to pass. Some people have gradually slipped into error as they believe that they are far below God's promise because of His inability. That's not true! God can never promise what He cannot do. So, if He has made you a promise, remain in the place of faith and it will be fulfilled. What are your expectations for yourself, family, church, academics and ministry this season? They shall be granted to you in Jesus name.

There was this spiritual daughter of mine who has been trusting God for a child for several years. One day, she attended our Special Holy Ghost Service and the Holy Spirit said that a woman was going to have a set of twins. She received the word in faith and that same month, she became pregnant. Three months later, when she went for scan, the doctor told her she had a baby in her womb. Agreeing she was pregnant, she however protested that God had promised her two. She held fast to God's promise instead of the scan report. Two months later, another report confirmed she had two babies. What do you believe today-God or the medical report? To enforce God's promise over your circumstance, you must refuse to walk by sight. Whenever you focus your mind on only what you can see, God is totally out of the equation. Sight kills but faith heals. Sight robs but faith gives. God's Word can never fail those who trust or depend on it. Is God's Word working for you? If it is not, check your level of trust and dependence. Some people cannot stand delays. Habakkuk 2:3 says it is worth waiting for your God-given vision because every vision has its appointed time. Delay has robbed many of their blessings. Are you losing a promise of God because of delay? Go back to God in humility and repentance and reconnect in faith. God's Word shall stand concerning your life this season.

 Key Point:
Faith does not stop you from carrying out a test-say concerning your health-but should stop you from accepting its negative report.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Memorise: "Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted." (Ps 107:17).

Read: Psalm 107:17-19 
Not eating right and ignorance of the causes of sicknesses can lead one into sickness. For instance, if you do not know that sharing needles or razor blades with others can be an avenue for transmitting the HIV/AIDS virus, you may continue to do so and in the process, contract it. There are many people who contracted the virus from such media and not out of sexual activity. In addition, foolishness is a major cause of sickness among believers. If after acquiring the relevant knowledge or information on the causes of sicknesses, you fail to apply that knowledge appropriately and become a victim of that sickness, it is due to foolishness. The nonchalant attitude of many Christians has given them the sickness that sin could not deliver to them.

If, after being warned against sharing needles and razor blades, one still goes to a barbing salon to share barbing instruments, or a student joins a campus cult that initiates him with the same needle used on several others, sooner than later, such will soon be diagnosed to be HIV-positive. The person who knows that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are contracted through sex and goes ahead to engage in extramarital sexual relations, is only courting such sicknesses; this is foolishness. Do you know that most of the diseases plaguing many today could have been avoided if only the victims adhered to the instructions they were earlier given about them?

Closely allied to foolishness is presumption. This has equally led many into sicknesses. Using faith as an excuse, some Christians do not adhere to any standard of hygiene whatsoever. Instead of purchasing very clean or treated water, they fetch dirty water from the well, pond or stream, pray over it and drink it, quoting Mark 16:18. God did not say you should be foolish or presumptuous. Don't you think you are tempting God by such an action? Why can't you boil that water, allow it to cool and thereafter filter it for drinking purposes? If you eat or drink something you know is poisonous or spoilt, be prepared to host the sickness you have invited. If you take a poisonous substance unknowingly, however, that scripture can apply. Are you inviting sicknesses or diseases by what you eat or drink? Stop that today!

 Key Point:
A believer must have and maintain a high level of hygiene.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Tuesday, April 12th, 2011


Memorise: "Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure" (1 Timothy 5:22).

Read: Joshua 1:5-9 
Before appointing the 12 apostles, the Lord Jesus Christ first took the time to know them personally. He did not appoint them from the blues. Before you recommend or appoint someone to occupy an ecclesiastical position, be sure you know the fellow to some good degree. It is dangerous to appoint those you know little or nothing about. 1 Timothy 5:22 says, "Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure". If you hurry over leadership issues, you will most likely be affected by the error of those appointed. Wrong or faulty appointments therefore do not exonerate the one who made the appointment; hence, the need to be extremely careful. How careful are you in appointing leaders?

A look at John 17:6-8 shows that you need more than submission to become a Kingdom leader. Two additional qualities that Christ's disciples possessed here are the ability to keep God's Word and their knowledge of Christ. Hence, Joshua 1:8 links obedience to God's Word with success in life and ministry. If you truly want to succeed in life or ministry, you cannot afford to toy with God's commands. People may take you for a fool when you stick with God's standards yet, unknown to them, you are paving your way into unequalled prosperity. Similarly, Daniel 11:32 establishes a link between the knowledge of God and exploits. The level of signs, wonders and miracles that can exude from your life and ministry will depend to a large extent on how much of God you know. If you say you know God, yet you are still afraid of the devil, situations, unpleasant circumstances, problems and the threats of men, that knowledge of God is questionable or suspect. Your knowledge of God cannot be hidden for too long because sooner or later, something will happen that will necessitate its use. If you are spiritually weak or feeble, it is an evidence of a lack of sufficient knowledge of God. Boldness emanates from knowing God. If you know God to some extent, you will have understanding. You will know your rights and privileges in God's Kingdom. The more you learn about God, the more you will understand how to fit into His plan. How intimate or how deep is your knowledge of God?

Key Point:
It is not enough to claim to know God. Let us see that knowledge reflect in the way you handle situations.

Monday, April 11, 2011

MON, 11/04/2011 | IT'S NOT AN EASY RIDE

Monday, April 11, 2011


Memorise: "And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise" (Heb 6:15).

Read: 1 Samuel 16:11-13 
When God makes you a promise, expect contrary winds and conditions from the adversary geared towards making you give up on that promise. Many believers erroneously expect a smooth ride from a promise to its fulfillment. There is no such thing as an easy ride as long as your adversary the devil, his demons, your flesh and the world are still very much around. Any promise you fail to fight for may never be realized. After God promised to liberate the Israelites from a 430-year-long slavery, they met with resistance. Pharaoh was the most formidable. He questioned God's authority and finally refused to let the Israelites out of his hold. It took several plagues, climaxing in the death of Pharaoh's firstborn and all the firstborns of the Egyptians and their animals to let them go. Finally, in Exodus 19:17-19, the Israelites were beside the mountain where God wanted them to worship Him. It may take some time, hold on to God's promise. Difficulties may come, still hold on. Eventually, that promise of God will come to pass.

Another Bible character God made a mighty promise to was David. One day, while busy enjoying himself at the backside of the desert, a messenger came to this shepherd boy telling him he was urgently needed at home to be anointed as king (1 Sam 16:11-13). But instead of being enthroned after the anointing, he found himself dodging the king's javelin at the palace. He would have asked himself: 'Was I anointed to die by the hand of the king I was supposed to replace?' Thereafter, in 1 Samuel 22:1-2, he relocated to a cave living with a group of vagabonds who made him their captain. At this time, Satan would have been having a good laugh and saying to the demons: 'We shall see how he can ever become king, maybe king of vagabonds and animals'. Do you know that Satan laughs when he appears to be making headway in frustrating God's promise for your life? In spite of Satan's laugh, in 2 Samuel 2:1-4, a day came when David was appointed king over Judah. David celebrated that appointment because, after all, it was better than being the king of hooligans. Then in 2 Samuel 5:1-5, he was anointed king over all Israel. Yet, God said He was not yet through with him. Note in Mark 10:46-52, when Bartimeaus heard that Jesus was passing by, he called him the son of David. God took a shepherd boy and made him the father of the King of kings. Is God's promise for you, your family, or church looking far-fetched? Hold on! It will surely come to pass. Wait as long as it takes.

Key Point:
God's pathway is the sure way to your destiny.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sun, 10/04/2011 | More Than A Rod

Sunday, April 10, 2011

More Than A Rod

Memorise: "And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod" (Exodus 4:2).
Read: Exodus 4:1-5 

Sacrificial giving is an appropriate thing to do during your time of favour. Yet, it is not limited to money as being popularly taught among preachers today. While the widow of Mark 12:41-44 gave all her money, the widow of Zarephath gave all her food. In the same vein, Jephthah gave his only child to God while Abraham gave his only son Isaac. David was not left out as he gave all his heart to God while the young boy in one of Jesus' crusades parted with his only meal. Stephen and Jesus Christ on the other hand gave their lives. These all have something in common-sacrifice, although the degree varies from one individual to another. If all these people could win in the 'giving contest', you may need to ask: 'what can I give?'. You have precious resources highly valued by God which you can give. You can sacrificially offer to God your time, talents, spiritual endowments and gifts, material possessions, academic and vocational aptitudes and abilities. Moses had a shepherd's rod. When he gave it to God, it became the rod of deliverance. You definitely have more than a rod to give!

In addition to sacrificial giving, another thing you can do during the time of your favour is pray. In fact, you must not stop this at any point in time because Jesus Christ says "... that men ought always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1).If you are weary in praying, you are still a babe. For years Hannah prayed and when her time of favour came, it met her still praying! No wonder she got her specific desire! Similarly, Zacharias the priest and his wife Elizabeth prayed all their youthful years but no child came. But when their time of favour came, it met them still praying, even at old age. No wonder they got the greatest of all prophets for a son (Luke 1:10-14). Never keep silent; keep on praying. You will soon reach the point that your prayers are answered.

Action Point:
Prayer is key! You need to pray without ceasing.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sat, 09/04/2011 | Problems Are Timed

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Problems Are Timed

Memorise: "For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off." (Prov 23:18).
Read: Proverbs 23:17-18 
“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil" (Eph 5:16). The truth is that many of us have wasted so much time and lost several opportunities that God has given to us, either as unbelievers or after we met the Lord. What time we have left is short; hence, we need to redeem it. This means, while giving no room for further wastage, we should also try to accomplish more than we could possibly do within the normal 24 hours. May the Lord help you to recover your lost time in Jesus name.

"And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage" (Exodus 2:23). After holding the Israelites in slavery for many years, the Egyptian king died. This means that no problem lasts forever. If this powerful king could die, then human enemies don't last forever. Why? According to Hebrews 9:27, they must keep an appointment with death. Every problem in your life has an expiry date beyond which it can no longer trouble you. In fact, at the point of expiration, some problems become the solution you have been seeking. What is more important is that you do not expire or retire before the expiration of the problem. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you will see the end of that problem: it shall not see your end. You shall not expire before the expiration of your problem.

"For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off" (Prov 23:18). If you were in doubt before, do know today, that there is an end to your problems. Your human enemies cannot operate beyond a certain limit. If the Egyptian king could die, every strong man or woman in your life has an end. That strong man is limited. You shall see the end of satanic agents troubling you. This season, the Lord will cut off everything standing in your way to your breakthrough. God will cut them off so that your expectations shall be realized. For a user of this devotional, you have been wondering when God's promises to you will be fulfilled because of the strong presence of the enemy. Rejoice! The Lord will cut them off just to enable Him grant your expectations and fulfil His promise. Worship the Lord with all your heart and thank Him in advance.

Prayer Point:
Thank God for causing your problems to expire and making you to see their end.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fri, 08/04/2011 | Better Than Being Blessed

Friday, April 8, 2011

Better Than Being Blessed

Memorise: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:" (Gen 12:2).

Read: Genesis 12:1-3 
A state of being truly blessed is when you receive blessings with no curse to negate them. The presence of a curse in one's blessing can gradually erode all of one's gains and put that fellow in the same state with the cursed. That shall not be your portion in Jesus name. When you are blessed, not only will your efforts be crowned with great harvest, but lost opportunities will also be restored (Joel 2:23-27). The blessings on the blessed have a way of attracting lost blessings and opportunities. This is why the so-called losses of the blessed are only temporary. In the process of time, they are recovered. It is my prayer that you will be so blessed to the point of recovering lost opportunities of several years this season.

It is so wonderful to be blessed, but being a blessing is far greater. Being blessed is just an addition of blessings to you. On the other hand, being a blessing means you have become the headquarters of blessings-that is, you are so full of it that the blessings you are carrying overflows to others. In today's reading, there is a list of seven blessings the Lord gave to Abraham. It is possible that my training as a Mathematician motivated me to scrutinize the arrangement of these blessings. After carefully listing them, I discovered that being a blessing was right at the middle of them all. That is, every other blessing in that passage revolves around it. It is better to be a blessing than being blessed. The one who is a blessing is characterized by an overflow. If there is no overflow, that person is yet to experience what it means to be a blessing. Let's take David as an example. In Psalm 23, he listed several blessings of the blessed - no lack, plenty to eat, good sleep, thirst quenched, provision of guidance and direction, restoration of the soul, protection in time of danger, access to provision in the presence of the enemy, being anointed, then cup overflowing. When your cup overflows, the focus is no longer you but others. If you observe God's order of blessing His children, you will find out that He first blesses before making the fellow a blessing. The way you handle the blessings is of keen interest to God and it will determine whether you will move to the next level-being a blessing. If you are stingy, tight-fisted or covetous, you may never become a blessing. If money is like god to you, you cannot be a blessing.

Key Point:
In the life of the blessed, a blessing is a visitor. In the life of the one who is a blessing, a blessing is a permanent resident. Is blessing a visitor or a permanent resident in your life?