Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tue, 29/03/2011 | Open Heavens Devotional

Tuesday, March  29th, 2011

Partiality Not Allowed

Memorise: "But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors" (James 2:9).
Read: James 2:1-9 
According to James 3:17, God's wisdom is not partial. In other words, it does not discriminate. As a believer in Christ, you must not be partial or discriminatory. Discrimination is one of Satan's divisive tools in the church of God. In the Early Church, during the revival, some church workers began to discriminate in their service. They gladly served some people while others were deliberately neglected. It took the intervention of the apostles to arrest this anomaly (Acts 6:1-7). If you are partial, Satan is using you to divide the Body of Christ. Moreover, today's reading raises crucial issues relating to partiality in the church of Christ. The first is that the Christian faith does not support the preferring of the rich over the poor. In God's Kingdom, all are equal and should be given equal treatment and opportunities. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28).
Unfortunately, in some places, the criteria for appointing leaders is their material wealth. Where in the Scriptures did you see the Early Church equating material wealth with spiritual credentials? Today, those with the spiritual know-how and records of integrity are neglected, marginalized or frustrated out because they do not drive exquisite SUVs or cannot afford to pay 'homage' to the pastor in charge. Any leader that does this is a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel. The fellow is bringing strange fire on God's altar and will surely account for it. One thing that has slowed down the growth of the Kingdom is because too many wrong people are in the right places and too many right people are in the wrong places. Any leader who is partial harbours evil thoughts and is a bad judge. That is, his or her judgement is biased and faulted by Heaven. Some superiors have refused to appoint those that God has chosen for certain leadership positions because they enjoy playing 'God' in their lives. According to James 2:9, partial leaders are sinners, and no sinner can inherit God's Kingdom. If you are guilty of these, repent, and restitute concerning the wrong appointments you made.

Prayer Point:
Pray that every leader appointed by worldly yardsticks will be uprooted and replaced by leaders appointed by God in the Body of Christ.

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