Complete The Faith Process
Memorise: "His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it." (John 2:5).
Read: 2 Kings 5:9-14
Apart from believing in God, another appropriate thing to do during your time of favour is to obey God's Word. For many years, Naaman, the captain of the Syrian army, nursed a secret problem-leprosy. Although to many, he was a perfect gentleman who had won several laurels for his nation, most people were ignorant of his private battles. But during the time of his favour, his Israeli housemaid repeatedly spoke of the possibility of being healed. He heard enough to stir up hope in him to the extent of embarking on a trip to Israel. But right at the threshold of his miracle, he almost bungled it. The prophet asked him to go and wash in the River Jordan seven times but he took offence. For your miracle to be delivered, faith must perform its perfect work. It took faith to listen to a hapless, young Israelite captive serving in his house. It took faith for him to prepare for the trip to Israel. It took faith to travel to Israel. It took faith to go to the house of the man of God. Despite all these acts of faith, his efforts were all about to be rubbished because he initially resisted the Word of God coming through God's servant. Thankfully, he obeyed at long last.
Obeying God's servant or the Word of God in a particular situation is a necessary act of faith that can help you connect to your miracle during your time of favour. Do you know that unlike Naaman who later obeyed, completed the faith process and finally received his healing, there are a number of people who are still at the first bus stop? They have started the faith process but to get to the point of receiving a specific instruction on what to do, it is taking them so long to obey. Yet, until they complete the faith process, the promise will not be delivered even though it is their time of favour. And if they fail to obey and their time passes, only God can tell when they can have another opportunity. Are you delaying at the point of God's command? For Naaman, he was ordered to go and wash in River Jordan but for you, it may be to forgive and release that person who has hurt you so much. Or, it may be that you sacrifice your 'Isaac' - that thing you value extremely. It may even be to give a financial or material seed. Whatever God is asking you to do, obey or else, your time of favour may not be useful to you.
Key Point:
Until faith goes through all its stages, it cannot deliver the expectation.
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