Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Open Heavens Devotional Wed, 16/03/2011

Wednesday, March  16th, 2011

When It's Not Too Late

Memorise: "And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform." (Rom 4:21).
Read: Romans 4:16-24
God uses His vessels to prove a point. Believe it or not, your personal relationship with God paints a picture of Him to those around you. If you paint a bad picture, people will never want to associate with your God. What kind of picture is your life painting to the world?
In Genesis 26:12-14, God used Isaac to prove the infallibility of His law of harvest. Sometimes, God uses a vessel to make everyone know that with Him, all things are possible (Luke 1:37). Abraham and Sarah are a case in point. When the former was 75 years old, God promised that He would make him the father of many nations. At this time, his wife was barren at the age of 65. They were already too old to bear children, yet God deliberately waited 25 more years until Abraham was 100 and Sarah 90 before bringing His promise to pass. Has God promised to do something that appears impossible and yet, the promise is still lingering? He may be waiting for all options to run out and possibility in order to prove, through your life, that with Him there is no impossibility.
As long as God is still be involved in your case, it can never be too late. Is it appearing too late in that particular situation? Fear not! The Lord will step right in and 'too late' will become 'most appropriate time' in Jesus name. On a trip to America some years ago, one of my daughters-a medical doctor-had an encounter. She was already past child-bearing age, had stopped menstruating, and still trusting God for a husband. She had every reason to resign herself to fate, yet; something within her told her she would have a child. As she asked how this could be, the Lord guided her. She bought a car, met her pastor and pleaded with him that whenever I came around, that the car should be the vehicle that takes me around. Although her pastor had earlier arranged for another car, on seeing her persistence, he obliged her. On my arrival, I was conveyed in her car. After I left, she took the car to the garage, locked herself inside and prayed that the anointing on me that was deposited in that car should destroy her yokes and make her the mother of a child as God had promised. A few weeks later, a brother met her and said, "God said you are my wife". A few months later, they married. A little over a year afterwards, their baby came. The Lord who did it for this sister will turn your situation around in Jesus name. Every power of delay is broken now in Jesus name. Your 'too late' situation will soon become 'right time' situation in Jesus name. Ask God for what to do to trigger your miracle today!

Prayer Point
Like you did in the lives of Abraham and Sarah, use my impossible situation to prove to the world that nothing is truly impossible with You.

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