Tuesday 21 August
Memorise: I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. Isaiah 41:18
Read: Exodus 14:21-31
When Elisha smote the waters of River Jordan and asked for the Lord God of his spiritual father, the river parted (2 Kings 2:14). What is that river before you today? It shall part for you in Jesus name. Interestingly, River Jordan is the only river that parted three times. It parted for Joshua, then for Elijah and now for Elisha. By reason of contact with these three men of God, River Jordan had experienced the anointing on these three men of God at different times. There are a few lessons to learn from this. Water we all know is a conductor of electricity. In the realm of the spirit, water is also a conductor. God has used water at different times to deliver a miracle to those who need them. For instance, in 2 Kings 6:1 -7, God made an axe head which fell into a river to float, contrary to the laws of gravity and postulations of science. Similarly, when there was no road, bridge or ship, God created a highway for the children of Israel in the Red sea but drowned all their enemies (Exodus 14:17-31). When the water in the land of Marah was bitter, God made it sweet - that is, a river became a river of wine. Jesus also had to walk on water to get to do the Father's assignment. The water solidified under His feet.
God can deliver your blessings to you using a river as a channel. There is the story of a man who got a bottle containing the will of a very wealthy woman where she wrote that whoever found that bottled will, should inherit all she had. The man found it in a river and his life was totally transformed. Every blessing that requires the service of the river before it can get to you, will receive the support of the waters and be delivered to you this season in Jesus name. Do you know that some people lose their goods and blessings to the river through ship wreck? Those people, who took loans to ship goods by sea, would feel terrible to hear that the ship sank or that all their goods had to be thrown into the high sea in order to save those on board. Have you suffered such fate before? The Lord will restore all you lost. River Jordan served a number of people. Rivers shall serve you. Seas shall deliver your blessings to you. Every sea that has swallowed your blessing shall vomit it this season in Jesus name.
The seas and rivers are God's creation and are meant to serve us. Father, cause the seas and waters to cooperate with my helpers to deliver my blessings to me.
Open Heavens Daily Devotional
Written by: Pastor E.A. Adeboye
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