Saturday 11 August
Memorise: My times are in thy hand; deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me. Psalm 31:15
Read: Genesis 8:1-2
Our God is a God of structure and order. He expects you to understand and heed the signs He sends to you. When He "shows you red", know it is time to stop. When He "shows you yellow", you have to be prepared and when He "shows you green", then know it is time to go. God is in charge of your life and He wants to control it. Control can refer to restricted flow. In Genesis 8:1-2, we see God controlling the rain. We all know that rain is good but too much of it is bad. In recent times, we have seen the devastating effects of floods. If you have ever been a victim of flooding, whenever the rain is heavy and persistent, you will become scared. Flooding occurs as a result of too much rain. The rain of God's blessings that can adversely affect you shall not come in Jesus name. According to 1 Kings 17:1, there is something you can do to open the heavens and there is something else you can do to shut the heavens. Strive to always keep your heavens opened!
God controls the rain and He also controls blessings. In the parable of the talents recorded in Matthew 25:14-15, each servant was given talent according to their individual ability. God will not give you the blessing you cannot control. One reason God has not given some major breakthroughs to some is because He knows they will not give Him their first-fruits and tithes if the blessing is too big. By refusing to comply with God's directives, many are cheating themselves. Will you want a life without control? As God blesses you, ask for the grace to keep the blessings in their rightful place and your heart in the Lord. God wants to be able to control you and your blessings. But what is His experience? For many of His children, the wealth the Lord has put in their hands has given them the boldness or voice to speak to Him as they like without reverence. When God says give so much out of what He has given them, they will begin to argue with Him. David was not like that. He was fully yielded to God when he said my times are in Your hands (Psalms 31:15). Can you say the same?
Everything in me that is resisting divine control, Father uproot it now.
Open Heavens Daily Devotional
Written by: Pastor E.A. Adeboye
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RCCG Lagos Province 28.
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