Thursday, May 10, 2012


Thursday 10 May


Memorise: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: Galatians 3:13

Read: Exodus 32:19-26

Generational curses have been one major area that has battled a lot people. In some families, certain ailments run throughout the various generations, Jacob placed a curse on Reuben and he also cursed Lev! (Genesis 49:5-7). However in Numbers 3:6-12, God said Levi should be brought near and dedicated to Him in place of the actual firstborns. There are different classes of firstborn - those who opened their mother's womb and those that God chose to be number one irrespective of their position in the biological hierarchy of the family. Earlier, Jacob cursed Levi that he shall be scattered. That curse was operational until one day; Moses went up to meet God on the mountain in Exodus 32:15-28. While he was away, the Israelites went into idol worship. On his return, he was angry yet he knew he could not handle the crowd all alone and therefore needed help. So he called out: "Anyone who is on the Lord's side should come and stand by me". The children of Levi were the only ones who responded to that call; one tribe out of twelve. When God looked from Heaven, He was impressed and said, "Since the children of Levi had chosen to stand on my side all alone, then I too am on their side even though your father had earlier cursed you". This happened because God is the God of reciprocity.

One lesson here is that any generational curse can be reversed. That negative condition that affected your grandfather and your father, which is about to affect you does not need to affect you. Your presence in that family should terminate that curse and thereby save others in your family. Also, curses can be broken by your good works and covenant with God. The children of Levi made a covenant with God and for them to become His priests continually; they had to be free from curses. Are you born again? Do you have a working relationship with God? If you do, you don't have to operate under the curse that affects your family because Jesus Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13). I command a reversal of any curse still operating in your life now in Jesus name.

Take a stock of your extended family and identity any generational curse in operation. Take a practical step to reverse it with good works.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional
Written by: Pastor E.A. Adeboye
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