Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Thursday 3 May


Memorise: Nay, in oil these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Romans 8:37

Read: Romans 8:36-37

Someone once said the phrase "more than conqueror" could mean that you are greater than the conqueror. He cited the case of a boxer who goes into the ring, fights and defeats his opponents, receives the prize and returns home to handover the prize to his wife. According to this fellow, the wife is the one who is more than a conqueror. Her husband is a conqueror because he endured some beating and bruises, but the wife did not suffer anything yet the prize was given to her on a platter of gold. In the same way, Jesus Christ our Bridegroom engaged the devil in a duel. He was beaten, wounded, spat upon, crucified and thirsted before He won and thereafter- handed over the prize to us.

Being more than conquerors could also connote someone that has scored multiple victories from several battles or wars. There are several enemies that accost us in the battles of life. One of such enemies is generational curses. This is a curse pronounced on someone from a family even before his birth and it keeps affecting descendants of that family. For instance, in Genesis 49:1-4, Jacob pronounced a curse on Reuben that he will never excel and this affected his lineage years after. Some people are still suffering from a similar curse. In spite of all their talents, natural endowments and qualifications, they never get to the top. It is not because they are not making enough effort; in real terms, they are making more than enough effort, yet certain forces, in response to earlier curses, frustrate them or make it impossible for them to move to higher levels. Generational curses must not be allowed in your life. In the Name that is above every other name, generational curses operating in your life shall come to nothing in Jesus name. The family of Eli that should have produced priests forever became one of beggars through a divine curse (1 Samuel 2:30-34). Gehazi was also cursed with leprosy together with his generation (2 Kings 5:20-27). Are you seeing signs of generational curses in your life? Ask God to destroy today. Also find out if there is anything you are doing that makes such a curse

A believer is an agent of change. If what affects unbelievers in your lineage affects you, it shows you have not fully appropriated Christ's victory on the Cross.

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