Saturday, December 10, 2011
Memorise: "And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him." (Luke 5:11).
Read: Luke 5:8-11
In addition to calling His people upwards and unto separation, God calls them unto consecration. To be consecrated to God means to be completely sold out to Him. For instance, when He called Peter, he left everything to follow Him (Luke 5:1-11). That is total consecration. When you are consecrated to God, He takes charge of your life. He makes the decisions, while you carry them out. Being totally consecrated does not mean that you have to become a full-time pastor but that He is free to decide how you spend what you earn. Let me share my experience with you. After God called me into full-time ministry, at some point, I was paid my gratuity. I was very glad! In those days, it was a large sum of money. More so, since as a full-time pastor, I could no longer tell where my next meal would come from. While busy calculating how best to invest it, the Lord interrupted my thoughts: "You have not even asked me. Remember you are no longer your own". Thereafter, He asked me to divide my gratuity into three. He asked me to give one part to the ministry. I said 'Yes Lord'. He asked me to give the second part to the ministry. My 'Yes' suddenly became low-pitched. Then He asked me to give the third and final part to a particular individual, adding that from then on, He would be my source. When God calls you to consecration, you may need to ask Him what you should spend and what to keep to yourself of your legitimate income. How consecrated are you?
Another nature of God's call is that He calls to distinction. If He calls you to the mountain top, it means you are to be distinct from the crowd. Hence, Matthew 5:14 says, "... A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid". When Elijah was about to go to Heaven in 2 Kings 2:1-15, it was only he and Elisha that stood on the other side of Jordan. Across the Jordan were some sons of the prophets watching at a distance. But on Elisha's return, they recognized that there was transference of the anointing and they bowed to him. Have you been called? Then you must be different. You have been called to shine as light. How different are you? Among other believers, how distinct are you as a representative of Jesus Christ?
Key Point:
God wants a closer walk with you. Yield to Him completely today.
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