Friday, December 23, 2011


Friday, December 23, 2011


Memorise: "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matt 26:41).


Read: Romans 7:15-19 


If you are able to identify Satan's wiles, it will be difficult for you to fall into the pits of destruction he has carefully laid out for you. In Matthew 4:1-11, the Lord Jesus Christ carefully compared Satan's suggestions with God's Word and easily found him out. If you learn to subject satanic suggestions to the Bible, you will hardly be his victim.

Furthermore, another area you must watch against is that of temptations. Matthew 26:41 says, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak". To overcome temptations, it is important to understand the nature of human beings. The flesh is too weak to resist the power of temptation. Flesh attracts flesh. Whenever the devil uses the opposite sex to tempt someone, that fellow comes under a strong pull to yield. Some people are so confident of themselves that they boast in their flesh. They may say, 'I have never done this and will never do it'. If that boast is in the flesh, do not be surprised to see that individual doing what he has vowed never to do. Paul struggled with his flesh for so long, and got to a point of frustration-seeing himself at the point he had vowed never to be. Eventually and fortunately for him, he got the secret of victory. Are you struggling with temptations? The Lord will give you lasting victory today.

Furthermore, to overcome temptations, you must perform two activities, involving your spirit and body. You must watch. You must be careful what you see, touch, hear, smell or taste. Watch over your five senses. Watching directly engages your body. Being watchful means deliberately eliminating your chances of being tempted. If you, for example, sense that your boss is lusting after you, deliberately keep him at an arm's length. Ensure you are not alone in his company. If you are being drawn towards pornography, avoid the internet or ensure someone is around you when you browse. Watch! To watch is to select discretely the television programmes you watch. To watch is to avoid anyone who is capable of luring you into sin. To watch is also to pray. Prayer directly affects your spirit and toughens it against temptation. Pray. Don't be tired of praying. Pre-pray to avoid unforeseen temptations. Ask for grace to overcome! Frustrate the tempter's expectations concerning you. Know when to run.

Action Point:

The flesh always wants to yield to sin. Ask God to deliver you from the desires of your flesh. 

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