Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Memorise: "…The LORD is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you." (2 Chron 15:2B).

Read: Judges 16:20-21 

God's presence is the source of joy and pleasure (Psalm 16:11). Wherever God is, problems that have defied solution would take their bow. When some men brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus in Mark 2:1-12, they met a crowd that was impenetrable and uncaring. When nobody thought it necessary to pave way for them to meet with the Lord Jesus Christ, they too resolved not to give up on their mission. They believed that if they could convey him into His presence, the problem would be over. So they hit the roof and got their miracle! Similarly, where God is, years of waiting are terminated. That was the experience of Abraham and Sarah who had waited for the fruit of the womb for 25 years. Then one day, God paid them a visit and ended barrenness in their lives. Have you been on a queue for a particular blessing? Have you been waiting for so long without seeing God's glory? This season, your waiting has come to an end. As you approach God's presence and talk it over with Him, your situation shall change.
Moreover, you may not be able to appreciate the full impact of the glories of His presence unless you have seen the shame of His absence. One fellow who had a taste of this was Samson. In Judges 16:20-21, when God withdrew from Samson, he observed the following: first, he noticed that he, who once exuded great, immeasurable strength, became a weakling. The absence of God turns the strongest into the weakest. Are you bubbling with the power of the Spirit today and full of energy? Thank God. Do everything to keep it that way. Jealously guard your relationship with God. God is the backbone of the spiritually strong. If He takes His leave, no physical stimulant can fill the vacuum that will be left behind. In the same vein, Samson observed that he, who was completely out of the reach of his enemies, was now a captive of the same enemies. Also, within a moment of God's withdrawal, a divine champion became a blind man. When God withdraws, it is only darkness that you can find. When God withdrew, Samson lost his freedom. He became the laughing stock of the enemies. He began to entertain the same people who once dreaded him. Has God withdrawn from you? Immediately repent and ask for His forgiveness today. If He has not withdrawn, do everything possible to retain Him.
Action Point:
When God withdraws from an individual, his or her ugliness is uncovered. Pray that He never withdraws from you. 

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