Monday, August 8, 2011


Monday, August 8, 2011


Memorise: "He hath made every thing beautiful in his time" (Eccl 3:11A).


Read: Ecclesiastes 3:10-14 


It is one thing for God to hear your groaning and another for Him to remember you. According to Exodus 2:24, God remembered His covenant after hearing the groaning of the children of Israel. The question is: can God ever forget? Isaiah 49:15 says even when, contrary to all-reasoning, a woman forgets her suckling child, God can never forget His children. He never forgets His own. Whenever it appears that God has forgotten you, just remember it's not possible. Why it appears God has forgotten some is because God works according to His own timetable (Ecc 3:1-8). For instance, in Acts 2:1-4, God had to wait for the day of Pentecost to fully come, before He moved. What of Joseph? After interpreting the butler's dream, Joseph begged him to mention his case to his superiors but the butler forgot because it was not yet God's time. If you fail to recognize God's appointed time for a thing, you would go believing it is just any time. No! God does not work with just any time but according to His own timetable. No wonder Ecclesiastes 3:11 says God makes every thing beautiful in his time. This is true! If that situation is yet to receive divine colouration and decoration, it could be because it is not yet time. Wait for your time!

When your time comes, everything will work towards giving you your expected end. A man may see the lady who has been destined to be his wife and not take notice. They may be in contact for years and the idea may not even cross their minds. But when the time comes and the man looks at her, there would be an unusual glow. There would be a force pulling him to her which was never there before. Suddenly, he would wake up to see what he never saw in her. These were there all along but because it was not time, they were veiled somewhat. When Joseph's time came, God gave Pharaoh two dreams that only Joseph could interpret. When your time comes, you shall glow. When it is your time, all attention will be focused on you. Your hidden beauty and potentials will surface. Your time shall surely come. Prayerfully wait for it.

Action Point:

Most times, God's timetable barely agrees with ours but it is the surest. Pray: Father, let me understand the times. 

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