Monday, May 16, 2011
Memorise: "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9).
Read: Isaiah 55:8-9
The Almighty God can do all things. In the midst of the famine in Israel, the Lord spoke of a sound of the abundance of rain (1 Kg 18:41-45). Your doubting of the ability and integrity of God causes Him pain. When He says He will do something, count it already done. Do you know that God would have settled how He would do a thing before He announces His intention to do it? It is God's business how His word gets to become reality. He may choose to disclose it to you or simply keep it close to His chest. He can bring His word to pass through billions of ways, even when we cannot think of one possible way. By the time you begin to calculate things by your limited human wisdom, you will be surprised at the way He will work it out. If you expect Him to take the right, he may take the left. If you expect Him to repeat the same method He used last year, He may come up with an entirely new concept. Even when He decides to use the same method, there will be some shade of difference between the two.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD" (Isaiah 55:8). One reason God does things differently from our conceptions is because we are not on the same wave length. His thought is trillions of miles away from ours! To appreciate why God thinks the way He does requires us studying, understanding and internalizing the Bible. And because He is Omnipotent, He can use any means to meet your needs. Can you imagine God feeding His servant Elijah for a whole year through a bird? When He was about to take care of His tax, He used a fish. When the people of Samaria were undergoing one of their toughest famines and had lost the hope of a turn-around, God used the most abhorred in the land, lepers, to bring about a turn-around in 24 straight hours (2 kings 7:1-11). Understanding God's capability and workings will make you have hope. To turn around your situation may not exceed 24 hours. In the present hopeless situation you are, God is bringing you hope. The Lord is turning things around for the best. Even those you never thought useful will be instrumental to delivering your joy, promotion, prosperity, and deliverance. Put your faith entirely in Him and He will not fail or disappoint you.
Trying to figure out how God will bring His Word to pass is not an act of faith but of doubt. Trust God.
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