Friday, May 20, 2011

FRI, 20/05/2011 - - THE SUPER CAPTAIN

Friday, May 20, 2011


Memorise: "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;" (Phil 2:10).
Read: Philippians 2:9-11 
Hebrews 2:10 calls Jesus Christ the Captain of Salvation. Are you struggling with sin? Are you rising and falling? Are you still helplessly tied to some nasty sinful habits that have refused to let you go? Call upon the Captain of Salvation today and He will separate you from such sinful yokes. In the name of Jesus, every yoke of sin in your life is broken today. You are free to live to serve your Lord and Saviour from today.

Besides being the Captain of Salvation, He is the Captain that all other captains must obey. In Luke 7:2-10, there was a meeting of two captains: an army captain, a centurion, and the Captain Jesus Christ. The army captain could issue commands to his servants and they would obey him, but he was limited. When it was time to command sickness to take its leave from his servant, he had no authority. So, he came to meet the Captain of captains. He recognized his limitations and received help from Jesus. In addition, Jesus is also Captain over nature and its elements. He can instruct the wind and the sea and they will obey Him. Wherever He says 'Peace, be still', there will be a great calm, whether the thing being addressed wants to be quiet or not. When He commands demons, they obey Him. He expels demons by His Words (Matt 8:16). In any case, His influence extends to the heavens, the earth and beneath the earth. As long as whatever is troubling you is from any of these realms, they can be tamed by this Super Captain.

Jesus is also Captain over sicknesses and diseases. Wherever He is, sicknesses cannot stay there. In Exodus 15:26, He says He is the Lord our healer. He is Jehovah Rapha. And by His Word, He heals your sickness (Ps 107:20). That means when He commands sickness to depart, it has no choice; it must go. When some men brought in their paralytic friend to the Super Captain in Mark 2:1-12, all He did was to command, and the sick man stood on his feet, took his bed and walked home. The one they carried in, walked out on his two legs! What is that sickness or condition that is defying your orders? It cannot defy the order of the Super Captain. Report that matter to the Lord today!

Action Point:
Your complete submission to the Super Captain grants you access to influence other captains on planet earth.

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