Tuesday, May 31, 2011

TUE, 31/05/2011 - - STANDING BY CHRIST

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Memorise: "And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved." (2 Cor 12:15).
Read: 2 Corinthians 12:13-16 
“He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled" (John 3:29).

According to John the Baptist, it is possible to be a friend of the Bridegroom-Jesus Christ. How? By loving and keeping His commandments (John 14:15). It is not enough to love and obey Him occasionally, that love and obedience must be sustained. If your love for Jesus has dwindled or your obedience is now selective, it is doubtful if you are a friend of the Bridegroom. In John 15:14, the Lord Himself said His friends are those who wait on His Word, live by His Word and leave nothing out. If there is an instruction the Lord gave to you which you have failed to obey, it puts your friendship at risk. Can the Lord look at you and call you His friend?

According to the experience of John the Baptist, the friend of the bridegroom stands by him and hears him. Your first duty as a friend of Jesus is to stand by Him. At a most crucial moment of His life, the Lord Jesus Christ took members of His inner circle of friends, Peter, James and John, to the garden of Gethsemane and told them to watch with Him - that is to stand by Him (Matt 26:36-40). How can you stand by Him today? In 2 Corinthians 12:15, Paul says, "And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved". From the above scripture, Paul was prepared to sacrifice all he had for the good of the Corinthian church. He was ready to give all He had, not expecting a commensurate level of return. Many a time, we would offer to help those who appreciate our help, but may not help those who fail to do so. To stand by the Lord today entails standing by His children-our fellow brethren. It means giving all it takes to make them what God wants them to be. If a brother loses a loved one but has no money to conduct the burial, the others should rally around him, raise the money and cover his nakedness. If a brother gets into trouble-maybe he is arrested, and appears helpless, it is the duty of the other brethren around him to secure his bail through the help of a lawyer. What you do for your brethren is done for the Lord. Have you seen your brother in some need? Did you hide yourself from him? From today, stand by the Lord and the brethren!

Action Point:
Your ability to stand by Christ is determined by how much you stand by fellow believers in times of need or distress. Ask for the grace to stand by Christ always.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Monday, May 30, 2011


Memorise: "Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice" (Ps 51:8).

Read: Exodus 12:29-32 
Apart from using any means or object-birds, fish, lepers, neighbours and even an enemy to accomplish His promise-God controls who hears what. He determines who hears a dirge or a joyful song. In Exodus 12:29-32, God visited the home of every Egyptian, killed their firstborns, and caused them to hear a dirge. The whole nation was plunged into mourning in one night. It was a time to wail bitterly. Meanwhile, He caused the Israelites to hear the shout of freedom. This season, your enemies will hear a dirge and they will be forced to let you go. Our God is simply awesome. He can compel every house in a city, nation or throughout the world to respond in a particular way. He touched the Egyptians in a way they would never forget; they had no choice but to dance to His will. If God is asking or pleading with you to do something, do not think He is a weakling. The fact that God allows men to exercise their freewill in taking certain crucial decisions, especially in choosing whether to serve Him or not, does not make Him a weakling. If He wants to compel you to be saved, all He has to do is to touch you in a very sensitive area of your life and you would come running, begging for His salvation. Why He does not do so always is because He respects the freewill He has given to us and wants to know how you would use that power. Use it wisely! Even though He is the all-powerful God, He is fully in control of His power.

In 2 Kings 7:1-20, in order to bring His promised abundance to pass, God amplified the sound of the feet of four lepers and made the Syrians to hear what caused them to flee for their lives, leaving everything they had. Verse 6 says, "For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host: and they said one to another, Lo, the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to come upon us". God used the harmless sauntering of four helpless lepers to make their enemies to hear the attack of those they feared. This season, as you praise and worship God with all your heart, the Lord will cause your oppressors and tormentors to hear the sound of the attack of their oppressors, and they will leave you alone forever in Jesus name.

Prayer Point:
Father, as I worship You today, cause all my enemies to hear the sound that will put them in perpetual flight.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Sunday, May 29, 2011


Memorise: "For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted." (Psalm 89:17).
Read: Genesis 39:20-23 
Divine favour is so powerful that it can give speed to your answers as well as deliver several answers to a single request. It is my prayer that from today, you will be a beneficiary of this uncommon favour in Jesus name. Moreover, lowly placed staff of various organizations should know that divine favour can change the official status of a slave into that of a Managing Director. In Genesis 39:2-5, Joseph, a poor slave boy who was sold to the family of Potiphar, through favour became the overseer over his Master's house. It got to a point that his master trusted him to the extent of not taking stock of what he had; He left everything in Joseph's care. The favour of God can make a nobody to become somebody. Are you presently occupying the lowest rung in your place of work, ministry or family? Do not be worried. Simply ask for God's favour to relocate you. Things will turn around for your good this season.

If we look at the life of Joseph recorded in Genesis 39:20-23, we see another possibility of divine favour: its ability to turn a prisoner into the comptroller of prisons. The system of this world allows so much of injustice; hence, you will find the innocents who deserve to be promoted or commended, remanded in prisons. Are you languishing in prison or jail for a crime you did not commit? You are not the first to go through it. Joseph was in prison for a crime he never committed. However, when God's favour beamed on him, he became the chief warder. All prisoners took instructions from him. The chief warder became jobless. By God's favour that is being released upon you today, you will move from prisoner to warder; you will move from being dominated to being in-charge. Lastly, one lesson we must learn from Joseph is that some people carry the grace that makes their bosses redundant. As a slave in Potiphar's house, he made Potiphar redundant. In the prison, he made the prison comptroller redundant. And by the time he became prime minister of Egypt, he made Pharaoh redundant. When you have someone like Joseph as your assistant, you can go to sleep and be assured that everything is fine. Ask for men like Joseph as your helpers. On the other hand, you can be like Joseph and give your superiors rest.

Prayer Point:
Father, give me helpers like Joseph to take away stress from the assignments You have given to me. Make me like Joseph to my superiors. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

SAT, 28/05/2011 - - IMPRESSING OTHERS?

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Memorise: "This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles." (Psalm 34:6).
Read: Mark 5:1-8 
Are you sighing because of the problem in your life? The Lord will terminate it this season. In Exodus 2:23, the Israelites sighed when they were in bondage. Why? There is an innate desire for freedom in every human being. Even the mad people on our streets want to be free. If there was ever a mad man who never wanted to be free, it was the mad man of Gadara recorded in today's reading. Yet, when bound with chains, he would break them off in order to be free. He also sought to be free from the demons that possessed him. By the time Jesus asked the demons to leave him and go into a herd of swine nearby, even the swine protested. They chose to die than live with demonic bondage. The fellow who is possessed by demons and does not want to be free is not as wise as the pigs in the story above. Are you under any demonic captivity? I command it to break now. You are set free today in Jesus name. From this moment, you are set free! Go and enjoy your freedom!

Apart from sighing, the Israelites cried to God. It is not enough to sigh: If all you have is your voice, then use it. Psalm 34:6 says God hears the cry of the poor. God has a soft spot for the poor. If you are poor and can cry with your heart unto God, He will answer you. If you have no money, cry unto God. If a problem is about to engulf you, cry to God. In Matthew 14:23-33, while the disciples were stuck with a very unfriendly storm mid-sea, the Lord walked on water towards them. They were all afraid for their lives but the Lord came close and told them to fear not. Peter jumped on the water to walk to Jesus but began to sink. He did not keep quiet. He cried out for help, and the Lord came to his rescue. When it is time to pray, especially congregational prayers, some men who need to cry to God because of their predicament, refuse to do so because they do not want sisters to see their tears and take them for weaklings. If you truly have a serious problem, you will not remember who is there or who is not there. You will not be thinking of who to impress. Cry to God today and a change will come.

Key Point:
Pray from your heart to God.

Friday, May 27, 2011

FRI, 27/05/2011 - - LORD OVER SHAME

Friday, May 27, 2011


Memorise: "And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed" (Joel 2:27).
Read: Joel 2:25-27 
We have studied Jesus Christ as the Super Captain whose sphere of influence spans over all of Heaven, earth, and beneath the earth. He is also captain over failure because Psalm 46:1 says He is the very present help in trouble. Are you in need of help? The Lord will help you today. In Philippians 4:13, Paul testified that since Jesus came into his life, failure became a stranger to him. In the same vein, after Peter failed several times, he brought the matter before the Lord and he became a remarkable success (Luke 5:1-7). This simply tells us that as far as Jesus is concerned, there is no permanent defeat. 1 John 4:4 says Jesus Christ is greater than your external oppressors and as a result they shall bow to His orders.

Moreover, He is introduced to us as "... the Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle" (Ps 24:7-10). Unlike what many think, Jesus Christ is not a civilian. He is a warrior, yet much more than that, He is the Commander-in-chief of the heavenly host. This is why as a child of God; no enemy can knock you down permanently. Where He is, there is no permanent defeat. Have you been defeated in any endeavour? Bring it to the Lord and that defeat will become a sweet victory. He delivers victory to the defeated.

In addition to these, Jesus is captain over barrenness. Where He is, barrenness has to flee. In John 15:1-5, He says He is the fruitful Vine. He cannot reign over your life while you remain barren. One proof that He is truly in you is that your life will be fruitful. Have you been struggling with spiritual, financial or material barrenness? It has come to an end today! You shall bear fruit. Fruitlessness is an evidence of His absence. Every evidences of His absence in your life and situation shall be destroyed today in Jesus name. Lastly, He is also captain over shame. He is the King of Glory; hence, shame cannot be your portion. In fact, He promised in Joel 2:25-27 that His people shall not be victims of shame. Everything causing shame in your life shall fade into oblivion this season. The Lord will absorb your shame and replace it with His glory.

 Key Point:
Everything causing shame in my life, family and ministry, Father, replace it with glory.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Thursday, May 26, 2011


Memorise: "God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?" (Rom 6:2).
Read: Genesis 39:7-12 
According to 2 Corinthians 1:20, God gives promises through His servants, but it takes connecting with God's Son for such promises to be realized. Psalm 2:12 says, "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him". Some people think they can go to God and lay claim to His promises without passing through Jesus Christ. In other words, they do not recognize the divinity of Jesus Christ as God the Son. You cannot access God the Father except through His Son Jesus Christ. Also, it is not possible to fellowship with the Father when not in fellowship with the Son. Hence, 1 John 2:23 says, "Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also". Having Jesus gives you access to both God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. He is the access to the Godhead. It is through Jesus Christ that you access God's promises. "And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life" (1 John 5:20). If you have not had a personal relationship with Jesus, you have not known the truth.

As a result of the key role Jesus plays in releasing your blessings, you must do everything to avoid offending Him. No matter the temptation or situation, do all you can to remain in favour with the One who can bring God's promises to pass. When Joseph was a slave, he was tempted to commit adultery. His temptation was quite different. It was intense, purposeful and compelling. It was sustained for a long period. Yet, Joseph persisted in holy living because he did not want to offend the One who alone can bring his dream into reality. Do you know that each time you sin as a believer, you introduce stumbling blocks in God's path to fulfilling His promises in your life? And when this continues, it gets to a point where the promise is either completely lost or reversed like it happened to Eli's family (1 Sam 2:30). Sin is terrible! It can make the One who said 'Yes', to say 'No'. Hence, you must flee every appearance of sin.

 Key Point:
If you have any promise or prophecy from God you want fulfilled, you must have no pact whatsoever with sin. Avoid sin and every appearance of sin at all costs.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Memorise: "And Moses said unto the LORD, Wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant? and wherefore have I not found favour in thy sight, that thou layest the burden of all this people upon me? " (Num 11:11)

Read: Numbers 11:11-17 
Every child of God is a child of destiny and as such requires God's favour in order to achieve his or her destiny. Without divine favour, a wise man suddenly looks like a fool; a strong man loses the battle; a man with bright prospects ends up without any achievement and a hard working man has no returns for all his efforts. Whatever you need to do in order to access divine favour this year, the Lord will grant you the grace to do it.

In his ministry, Moses got to a point where he cried out to the Lord for favour. "And Moses said unto the LORD, Wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant? and wherefore have I not found favour in thy sight, that thou layest the burden of all this people upon me?" (Num 11:11). From the above scripture, we find that favour secures good, competent hands to assist the favoured in a given task or assignment. Until he was favoured, Moses virtually carried all the ministerial burdens alone. The load was so heavy for him and he was just struggling to meet up. At some point, he reviewed his situation and saw it as some kind of affliction before he cried out to God. It was after this that God raised 70 helpers to share the burden with him. Favour delivers from ministerial affliction.

Are you facing a similar situation like Moses did? God sent you on an assignment, yet you lack competent assistants to the extent that ministry or that assignment has become some form of punishment for you? What have you done about this situation? Some people will complain about it and it ends there, some others will pray a little and stop, while some are even nonchalant about it. They will say, 'If God cares, let Him do something about it'. Do you know that it takes a discovery of your true position in order to take the next most appropriate step? If Moses was like some people today, he would never have cried out. Such people accept whatever they meet. If you are struggling with many burdens in ministry or your assignment, it is clear evidence that you need God's favour. After realizing this, you must be ready to cry out to God for help so that your silent, latent helpers can come to your rescue. Call on God today for your helpers to locate you where you are!

Prayer Point:
Pray that everyone sent to lighten your burden in your assignment will locate you now by favour.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

TUE, 24/05/2011 - - MIND YOUR ROLE!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Memorise: "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (1 Peter 5:7).
Read: Matthew 11:28-30 
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" (1 Cor 6:20). As a believer in Christ, you have been fully purchased by Him-together with all you have and will ever have. In other words, you are completely sold with nothing left to yourself. One reason many believers will not want to hear this truth is because they know that if they accept it, it means God can ask for everything they have at any point in time. Yes. If He asks, give it all back to Him. Until you get to the point where you no longer have any sacred cows in your life, you have not truly made Him your Lord. Is Jesus Christ truly your Lord?

"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt 16:18). Many ministers of God become hypertensive in a bid to build God's church. Since when did you replace Him as the builder of His church? Why won't you have problems when you take up God's part of the divine assignment? Let God build His church. One thing that has kept me from high blood pressure in spite of the several challenges I have faced and still face in ministry; is the realization that God has not abdicated His role as builder of His church. Many years ago, after occupying the office of the General Overseer for two years, I stood before the mirror and saw my hair turning grey. "Lord, what is happening to me? I am under 40 years, yet my hair is all grey?" He replied, "It is because you are carrying the burden that is not yours". Boy, I worried so much in those early days! The Lord further told me, "You are only a camouflage-the one people can see. I am the one doing the work behind the scene. It is not your church but mine". After that experience, I relaxed and let Him take over His responsibility of building His church. There are people who are still struggling with God over spiritual responsibilities. There is no way you can successfully play God's part when you do not know what He knows or have what He has. In Matthew 11:28-30, while Jesus takes over the heavy burdens, He leaves you with an easy yoke. Human strength is so small that they can only cope with very light spiritual burdens. Cast your ministry cares upon Him and trust in Him and He will take full control. You have your role and God has His. If you can mind your role, and let Him mind His, ministry will be stress free.

Prayer Point:
Pray that God will open new doors to reach the unreached people. Lord, let Heaven back up all Nigeria's anti-graft agencies and efforts until corruption becomes a taboo in Nigeria.

Monday, May 23, 2011

MON, 23/05/2011 - - LOOK UP

Monday, May 23, 2011


Memorise: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help." (Psalm 121:1).
Read: Psalm 121:1-8 
When God intervenes in unpleasant situations, it is usually in ways we least expected, because His ways are very different from ours. Many years ago, while rounding up my doctorate programme, I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation, and sent it for binding at the university press. I needed N50 to collect the bound copies but I did not have the money. Then I remembered that, I had deposited N50 out of the scholarship I was earlier given as research grant by the university with my Head of Department (HOD). So I met him to request for the N50 balance, but he refused, saying that the money was for collecting materials from other universities. I told him I have done all that, yet, he insisted on not releasing it to me. Meanwhile, the following day was the deadline for submission.

On reaching home that night, I told my wife that I was in trouble. We cried unto God that night as we had nobody to meet for help. And, since we could not sleep, we sat up. About 1:00 am, someone knocked at our door. He said he owed me some money three years before and that he has now come to pay it. Then he gave me N50. While I was expecting assistance from my head of Department, help came from elsewhere. Are you in dire need of divine intervention? The Lord will make a way for you this season. God is free to use any method, but you can be certain, He will definitely step into your matter.

In 1979, while preparing for the Congress, we were expected to feed all those who attended, so I went with my wife to the market to know the price of the three cows we intended to use. We were told the three cows will cost us N750. That was a lot of money in those days. We did not have that kind of money so we began to pray. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. He was a brother who had travelled a long distance to meet us. He said he hoped we had not bought cows as he had already purchased three cows for us. Praise God! God still meets the needs of His beloved. Are you God's beloved? Do you fully put your trust in Him? The Lord will make a way for you this season. Just look up to Him and Him alone, and help will locate you from any direction He approves for you.

Prayer Point:
When in need look up to God. Pray: Father, henceforth, make the looting of Nigeria's treasury totally unpopular. Let past looters return all they stole by force.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Sunday, May 22, 2011


Memorise: "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." (Isaiah 65:24).
Read: 1 Kings 3:9-14 
Not only can divine favour deliver from ministerial burdens, prevent a downward drive towards wretchedness, or bring the poor before kings, it can also accelerate the speed at which prayers are answered. This means that God does not have to wait for the favoured to completely voice out his or her request before answering; once He sees it in the heart of the fellow, He immediately puts in place the mechanism to deliver the request. Isaiah 65:24 says, "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear". God pre-empts His favoured children. Are you God's favourite? If you are, the answers to your requests will be granted even before you ask.

Another benefit of the favoured is that when he asks for one thing, he may receive three or more. King Solomon is an example. In 1 Kings 3: 3-14, after being anointed to replace his father David, he went to Gibeon and offered God a thousand burnt offerings. When the Lord came to tell him to ask anything, he simply asked for wisdom. But because he was favoured, he got the level of wisdom that no man ever had. In addition, God gave him riches, honour, long life, a peaceful reign, etc. This year, because of God's favour coming upon you, for every request, the Lord will give you double; for every good desire, the Lord will give you triple. Moreover, for the favoured, hard or difficult requests are granted. Elisha asked Elijah a hard request yet, because of God's favour, he got it. This season, because of God's favour, the Lord will grant your hard requests in Jesus name. What others seek but hardly find, you will ask and receive. Go ahead and worship God for His favour.

Prayer Point:
Ask that in all your endeavours, God's favour should surround you as a shield. Everyone or group holding the progress of Nigeria to ransom, Father, arise and break them into pieces. Let their plans be frustrated completely.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

SAT, 21/05/2011 - - REBUKE: WHAT MANNER?

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Memorise: "But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ" (Romans 14:10).

Read: Revelation 2:1-7 
In His letter to the church at Ephesus, the Lord Jesus Christ first listed all their strong points and sang their praise before scolding them. Although their weaknesses were strong, it was put in a right perspective. He ended up with praise and a promise. There is a lesson here for all leaders. First, for a rebuke to achieve the desired effect in an individual's life, it should be sandwiched between praises, commendations or promises. If you want to correct someone over a slip, mistake, or error, start with the things he did so well and the importance of his contributions. While he is savouring the praises, you can now point out the area he needs to look at and ways to enhance his performance. Anyone you correct this way will receive the correction gladly and would not have any reason to doubt your love and concern.

Also, praising before rebuking is another way of showing that as a leader, you have a large heart. You do not only see the wrongs, but you also see the positive and beneficial things that person has done. In fact, you see more of the good achievements and less of the faults. Some leaders rebuke erring subordinates in a way that you would think there is nothing good about them. That is demotivating leadership. No matter how bad a wife or husband is, there is something good about that individual. Focus on the good! Any time you make your subordinates feel they are useless, you drive them up a steep hill on foot. You may never get any good thing from them again.

Positive reinforcement is crucial in building winning relationships. In addition, praising an offender before talking about his fault is another way of saying that you believe in him. That is, if he could achieve these great or noble deeds, then he can overcome that particular weakness in question. Do you believe in your subordinates? How do you rebuke them when they err? Many people rebuff rather than receive correction because of the way it is delivered. The number of corrections your subordinates successfully receive from you shows your success level as a leader. How do you correct those you are leading?

 Key Point:
If correction is well-packaged, it cannot be refused.

Friday, May 20, 2011

FRI, 20/05/2011 - - THE SUPER CAPTAIN

Friday, May 20, 2011


Memorise: "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;" (Phil 2:10).
Read: Philippians 2:9-11 
Hebrews 2:10 calls Jesus Christ the Captain of Salvation. Are you struggling with sin? Are you rising and falling? Are you still helplessly tied to some nasty sinful habits that have refused to let you go? Call upon the Captain of Salvation today and He will separate you from such sinful yokes. In the name of Jesus, every yoke of sin in your life is broken today. You are free to live to serve your Lord and Saviour from today.

Besides being the Captain of Salvation, He is the Captain that all other captains must obey. In Luke 7:2-10, there was a meeting of two captains: an army captain, a centurion, and the Captain Jesus Christ. The army captain could issue commands to his servants and they would obey him, but he was limited. When it was time to command sickness to take its leave from his servant, he had no authority. So, he came to meet the Captain of captains. He recognized his limitations and received help from Jesus. In addition, Jesus is also Captain over nature and its elements. He can instruct the wind and the sea and they will obey Him. Wherever He says 'Peace, be still', there will be a great calm, whether the thing being addressed wants to be quiet or not. When He commands demons, they obey Him. He expels demons by His Words (Matt 8:16). In any case, His influence extends to the heavens, the earth and beneath the earth. As long as whatever is troubling you is from any of these realms, they can be tamed by this Super Captain.

Jesus is also Captain over sicknesses and diseases. Wherever He is, sicknesses cannot stay there. In Exodus 15:26, He says He is the Lord our healer. He is Jehovah Rapha. And by His Word, He heals your sickness (Ps 107:20). That means when He commands sickness to depart, it has no choice; it must go. When some men brought in their paralytic friend to the Super Captain in Mark 2:1-12, all He did was to command, and the sick man stood on his feet, took his bed and walked home. The one they carried in, walked out on his two legs! What is that sickness or condition that is defying your orders? It cannot defy the order of the Super Captain. Report that matter to the Lord today!

Action Point:
Your complete submission to the Super Captain grants you access to influence other captains on planet earth.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

THU, 19/05/2011 - - HIS PROMISE IS 'YES!'

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Memorise: "For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." (2 Cor 1:20).
Read: 2 Corinthians 1:17-20 
God's Word is infallible. It has integrity. Whenever God makes you a promise, or gives you a word of prophecy, never belittle it. While it is unwise to base your expectations on the promises of men, you can safely depend on God's promises. In fact, failing to expect the performance of what God has promised, can rob you of the promise. After the Lord called me into ministry and I became the General Overseer of the RCCG, prophecies began to come to pass. As far back as 1974 at Ijebu-Igbo (Nigeria), God told me He was going to build a great army that I would lead into the battle in His name. A few years later, after I became the G. O., the total membership of the church was less than 1000. With that promise in mind, I took time to pray and fast. I conducted monthly seminars and outreaches. I travelled to several places. People attended the programmes and when we were through, they left. I began to wonder where the great army was going to come from. Even though it looked far-fetched, all of a sudden, the turning point came. Has the Lord given you a great promise that appears to have not moved beyond being a promise after several years? The Lord will cause you to see its fulfilment this season.

"For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us" (2 Cor 1:20). This scripture shows a link between God's promises, Jesus, and God's servants. Through God's servants, God can make a promise or give a word of prophecy. But except you connect to Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, that promise may never be realized in your life. Jesus is the way to realizing God's promises. He is the One who makes any of God's promises 'Yes' and 'Amen'. In other words, He is the One who gives the seal of finality to any of God's promises to us. If you are still sinning privately or publicly, you do not have a link with the One who can fulfil God's promises in your life. Repent now and accept Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and personal Saviour. Tell Him you are sorry for your past life of sin and promise that you are not going back to sin. Ask Him for the power to go and sin no more. God's promises will be fulfilled in your life this season.

Prayer Point:
Thank God for fulfilling His promises in your life. Ask Him to fulfil pending promises.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Memorise: "But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better, neither, if we eat not, are we the worse" (1 Cor 8:8).
Read: 1 Timothy 4:1-5 
“All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not" (1 Cor 10:23). According to this scripture, you are free to eat anything you like, but it is not advisable to eat what cannot build you up. It is not a sin to eat the food God has given to you. As long as you receive your food with thanksgiving and sanctify it with a word of prayer, you are free to eat it. There are people who are always in a hurry to eat. They would have started eating before they remember they have not blessed the food. This is unacceptable. Prayer helps to set the food apart before it is taken into God's temple-your body.

As a New Testament believer, you are free to eat anything that edifies your body, but not what will destroy it. Verse 4 says all creatures God made are good and not to be rejected. This is true, but wisdom is required in the management of what you eat. For instance, groundnut is good, but if eaten at a particular time or combined with certain meals, it can trigger stomach upset. One may take it and nothing bad happens while another takes it and visits the toilet on and again. You are expected to study your body system and know what to eat or avoid.

Some people are allergic to certain food or meat. They may feel sick, throw up and have stomach upset, develop rashes or even have embarrassing conditions because a particular food did not go down well with their system. It is wisdom to identify and avoid foods that you are allergic to until you have prayerfully handled the matter and secured victory. Also, certain foods must not be combined with certain drinks or fruits, as such combinations can trigger sickness. God wants you healthy therefore you must take all the care to stay healthy.

Action Point:
Note your body's intolerance to particular food or food groups and report it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

TUE, 17/05/2011 - - FULLY SOLD

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Memorise: "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1 Cor 6:19).

Read: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the source of our authority. Hence, He said we can do nothing without Him (John 15:5). So, to retain power with God, you must do all it takes to remain connected to the Vine (John 15:4). Furthermore, Jesus is the Bridegroom; those He has blood-washed are His 'wife'. In John 3:29, John the Baptist confirms this when he called Him the bridegroom who owns the bride. In the tradition of my people (the Yoruba), it is customary for women to call their husbands 'the owner of my head'. As your husband, Jesus owns you and everything you own. He owns believers individually and also collectively, as a body, the Church (Eph 5:23). In fact, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says He paid a very costly price to have you. You have been bought; you no longer own yourself. You are supposed to be His slave but He decided to elevate you to the status of His bride. He owns you and everything you will ever acquire on earth. The implication of this is that what you claim to be yours is actually His. Your time, intellect, body parts, spouse, children, wealth, academic certificates, fame and social status, all belong to Him. Why then is it that when the Owner of your time or money calls for it, you begin to give excuses why He cannot have use of it?

Conversely, it is great to know that Jesus owns everything pertaining to you. If the devil is targeting your children, they are no longer yours but His, and He will not allow His property to be destroyed by the enemy. Are you worried over certain issues concerning your children? There is no need for that because they are no longer yours but His. Hand the matter over to the Owner and He will fix it. Some years ago, I learnt this firsthand. One of our children who was two years old was sick. The situation persisted in spite of prayers and fasting. After fasting for ten days, we became really desperate. I cried to God asking why He has not healed my son. Then the Lord said, "I have not healed him because he is your son". I got the message and repented. "Lord, please heal Your son. He is no longer mine. I hand him over to you". Within an hour, the boy was healed. Are you still struggling with what belongs to God? Repent today!

Action Point:
One major stumbling block hindering Kingdom assignments from fulfilment is believers' ignorance of their being fully owned by Christ.

Monday, May 16, 2011

MON, 16/05/2011 - - GOD'S HIGHER WAYS

Monday, May 16, 2011

Memorise: "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9).
Read: Isaiah 55:8-9 
The Almighty God can do all things. In the midst of the famine in Israel, the Lord spoke of a sound of the abundance of rain (1 Kg 18:41-45). Your doubting of the ability and integrity of God causes Him pain. When He says He will do something, count it already done. Do you know that God would have settled how He would do a thing before He announces His intention to do it? It is God's business how His word gets to become reality. He may choose to disclose it to you or simply keep it close to His chest. He can bring His word to pass through billions of ways, even when we cannot think of one possible way. By the time you begin to calculate things by your limited human wisdom, you will be surprised at the way He will work it out. If you expect Him to take the right, he may take the left. If you expect Him to repeat the same method He used last year, He may come up with an entirely new concept. Even when He decides to use the same method, there will be some shade of difference between the two.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD" (Isaiah 55:8). One reason God does things differently from our conceptions is because we are not on the same wave length. His thought is trillions of miles away from ours! To appreciate why God thinks the way He does requires us studying, understanding and internalizing the Bible. And because He is Omnipotent, He can use any means to meet your needs. Can you imagine God feeding His servant Elijah for a whole year through a bird? When He was about to take care of His tax, He used a fish. When the people of Samaria were undergoing one of their toughest famines and had lost the hope of a turn-around, God used the most abhorred in the land, lepers, to bring about a turn-around in 24 straight hours (2 kings 7:1-11). Understanding God's capability and workings will make you have hope. To turn around your situation may not exceed 24 hours. In the present hopeless situation you are, God is bringing you hope. The Lord is turning things around for the best. Even those you never thought useful will be instrumental to delivering your joy, promotion, prosperity, and deliverance. Put your faith entirely in Him and He will not fail or disappoint you.

    Trying to figure out how God will bring His Word to pass is not an act of faith but of doubt. Trust God. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Sunday, May 15, 2011


Memorise: "And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him greatly; and he became his armour bearer" (1 Sam 16:21).

 Read: 1 Samuel 16:21-22 
Apart from delivering you from heavy ministerial burdens, divine favour can also prevent a downward trend. In Numbers 11:10-20, Moses was seriously embattled. After leading the Israelites out of Egypt, they cried to him in the wilderness for meat. Imagine three million people clamouring and wailing out his name, asking for meat! Where could he muster such mass of meat to feed the whole nation? In verse 15, he pleaded: "And if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray thee, out of hand, if I have found favour in thy sight; and let me not see my wretchedness". Moses preferring to die than see his wretchedness, called on God to favour him. God's favour can prevent you from seeing or experiencing the negative fallouts of a downturn. Are you afraid like Moses that you may not be able to complete the good project you started? Is failure, disappointment and shame staring you in the face? Call on the Lord to arrest that negative trend by His favour. You shall not be put to shame. Put your trust in the Lord and with your whole heart ask for His favour. He will answer you this season.

Another possibility from favour is that it can bring the poor before kings. Favour can bring the least before the greatest, even as the qualified are sidelined. One person who benefited from this trend was David. He hailed from a poor family in Israel. As a youth, probably because they could not afford to send him to school, David minded his father's little flock. But through favour, he got a job as an armour bearer of the king. Immediately the king set his eyes on this poor boy, it was love at first sight! He immediately began to beg David's father, Jesse, to release his son to the duty he had set him over, this was in spite of many who were more qualified. When you are favoured, ideal candidates for a position would be set aside just so that you can occupy it. This year, the Lord will bring you before kings. You shall occupy a position you are not qualified for. God's favour will cause you to be given an attractive job that your academic qualifications do not match. Ask God to favour you in a way you have never experienced.

Action Point:
For a user of this devotional; through God's favour on you, before the end of this year, you shall stand before kings. Do remember to give God the glory and testify of it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Saturday, May 14, 2011


Memorise: "The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up."( 1 Sam 2:6).

Read: Daniel 5:1-6 
“He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them" (1 Sam 2:8). God is the real controller of things, events and situations, not the presidents, governors, or chieftains of industries. He decides who is promoted and when such a promotion should come. He also decides the one to be demoted. He decides when kings die. In addition, He decides when the cup of an individual is full. For instance, in Daniel 5:1-31, King Belshazzar overstepped his boundaries by drinking from the dedicated cups that were taken from God's temple in Jerusalem. Not blasphemous enough, he praised the dead gods of his nation for such opportunity. Immediately, God wrote on the wall that his time was up; his cup was full. The king did not last that night! If you say because you are a king, president or governor, so you can touch God's anointed or desecrate consecrated vessels, you are playing with fire. A wise king will know his limits and operate within that sphere or get into trouble with the One who appoints and deposes kings.

"In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote" (Daniel 5:5). People are often too proud or haughty to listen to God. When you fail to heed the early warning signs, the handwriting of judgment will become inevitable. King Belshazzar knew what his father, King Nebuchadnezzar, went through. He knew how he was deposed, turned into a wild, strange beast, and how after seven years, God restored him to his former form and position, and added glory to him. Yet, he did not learn from all these events. If you fail to learn from the failures, disappointments and judgements of others, prepare to go through yours. For many, the warning signs come through dreams, their relationships with others, their dwindling health, or dwindling spiritual stamina. Yet, these fellows brazenly braved it, ignoring these signs until they get to a point of no return. Have you seen the warning signs? Are you ignoring them? Arise, and do something about them. If Belshazzar had learnt from his father, his kingdom would not have been taken away.

Prayer Point:
God's judgement mostly does not fall without early warnings. Ask for grace to see the early warnings in order to make necessary adjustments.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Friday, May 13, 2011


Memorise: "For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings" (Heb 2:10).

Read: Hebrews 2:9-11 
One of the titles of our Lord Jesus Christ is Captain. Unlike earthly captains whose jurisdictions are limited to a particular area, such as an arm of the military, a particular ship, or a particular industry, this Captain has no restriction in regards to His sphere of influence. If a captain of industry goes before an army of soldiers to give an order, you can be sure that he would be taken as a joker. No action would be taken until they hear from their army captain. But this Captain must be heard and obeyed by all, irrespective of who His orders are coming to.

"For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings" (Heb 2:10). From this scripture, the Lord is called Captain of Salvation. That means everything that has to do with your salvation is in His hands. He is the One who determines who is saved and who is not. He is the One who determines the moment a sinner is forgiven, washed in His blood, and transformed from sinner to saint. Being the Captain of Salvation means He is the foundation on which every saved soul is built. No sinner on earth can be saved without coming in contact with Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

Apart from receiving salvation, every saved soul requires Jesus in order to work out their salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12-13). That is, except you remain connected with Jesus Christ, you are sure of losing the salvation you received (John 15:6). Anyone who was born again but has now returned to old sinful habits is backslidden, because he or she played down his or her relationship with the Captain of Salvation. It is when you hold on to Him that your salvation is secure. The moment you leave Him, you lose your salvation. In addition, Hebrews 5:9 says He is the Author of Eternal Salvation. That means, He is the One who would decide who will go to Heaven and who will go to hell. He is the One who will determine the eternal destination of earth's billions of people. This is why you must make Him your closest friend throughout life. Is Jesus your Captain?

Action Point:
A ship that has Jesus Christ as its Captain can never miss its destination. Make him the captain of the ship of your life.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Memorise: "Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding" (Prov 17:28).
Read: Proverbs 17:27-28 
Besides giving your parents joy, a wise fellow is known by his or her ability to control the tongue. Do you know that you can almost tell the story of some people's life having met them for only 10 minutes? They are so lousy that they cannot shut their mouth for a minute. "In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise" (Prov 10:19). A talkative fellow is never far from sin. If you must keep a distance from sin, you must apply locks on your lips. For not knowing when to apply restraint, a foolish person reveals his secrets even to enemies. Ask yourself: 'Why do I talk too much?' Some people talk much because they like noise: they cannot stay quiet. If the place is too quiet they become uncomfortable. Some talk just because they like to hear their voices. Some talk in order to please the one they are talking with. Some talk to show that they are good arguers or conversationalists. Some talk to show how current they are. Sometimes when some people engage their lips, it is for something that will not edify but can possibly bring judgement on them. Is it wise to bring judgement on yourself?

"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding" (Prov 17:28). Do you know everyone can demonstrate some measure of wisdom? The next time someone provokes you to anger, just keep your mouth shut. Don't say a word. Sit quietly. But if the fellow continues to trouble you, quietly leave the scene and keep off for a while. When you do that, you are counted as wise. Similarly, when a lousy fellow comes to gossip to you, you can listen without saying a word and afterwards leave. Or just leave. It is commonly said that silence is the best answer given to a fool. If you use the silence treatment often in dealing with gossips, they will begin to suspect you. They will not know which side you are on. They will become uncomfortable in your presence. Thereafter, they will leave you for other gossip partners. Meanwhile, you will be seen as a wise fellow. Use the silence treatment from today!

Action Point:
Write your Speech Policy which should guide what, how, when, where, to whom and for how long you should talk. Prayerfully apply it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

TUE, 10/05/2011 - - UNDER AUTHORITY

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Memorise: "And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?" (Acts 19:15).
Read: Acts 19:13-17 
A messenger of God can only enjoy divine backing for his spiritual office when he remains under the authority of the One who sent him. The moment you stray out of His commands, you are on your own. Also, demons, like the centurion in Mathew 8:5-10, know what it means to be under authority. For example, in Acts 19:13-17, when some religionists tried to cast out demons, the demons plainly told these seven exorcists, 'You lack the authority'. In that same encounter, the demons recognized Jesus and His servant Paul. Are you living in secret sin? Demons are watching you. They are the ones who whispered into your ears prompting you to do in secret what you could not do in the light. They know that when you fall victim of their evil suggestions, you, at that moment, lose the right to order them around. If you dare, they can disgrace you, or even inflict you with physical injuries like that they dealt the sons of Sceva. Before you exercise authority over any situation, first confirm that you are still under authority yourself, or else you would get into big trouble.

Mark 16:17 says believers shall cast out devils in Jesus name. However, subtly, there is a shift of focus: Some ministers who have experienced a level of God's power are gradually drifting into Satan's deception. These are now empowered to heal and work miracles on their own or by the agency of devils. They may say, 'Come to me and I will heal you in Jesus name'. The emphasis in their statement is 'I' not 'Jesus'. The moment you begin to rub shoulders with the One who sent you, you are no more under His authority. The moment you begin to feel bad that your name was not mentioned as the vessel through which a miracle was delivered to the testifier, you are already sharing in God's glory and therefore no more under His authority. Sometime ago, I was told a brother resolved not to pay his tithe to his pastor because the latter was disobeying instructions from a higher spiritual authority. The brother decided to keep his tithe until he met the General Overseer. Are you breaking the ranks? Are you still under His authority? If you have drifted out of God's authority, return in humility and repentance. Return all the glory you have stolen and submit yourself completely under His authority. Be governed by His Word in all you do. Like John the Baptist, seek to make Him known while you give yourself no mention at all.

 Action Point:
To avoid embarrassment, before you issue commands to demons, situations and circumstances, first determine if you are still under Christ's authority.