Monday, September 10, 2012

FRIENDS: HOW TRUSTWORTHY? - Mon. 10/9/2012 - Open Heavens - RCCG Kingdom 28

Monday 10 September


Memorise: Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide; keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. Micah 7:5

Read: Micah 7:2-7

A king is a prime target in any war between two kingdoms. The moment he is captured, all his subjects become captives of the victorious king. In Hosea 10:13-15, the Lord told Israel that their expectation for national defence through their men of war would fail and their king would die. It is wrong to invest your expectations, hopes and aspirations in your leader, or men of wealth. They will fail you.

Another reason expectations are disappointed is when they are placed on friends. The truth is those individuals most people take as friend are not truly their friends. Some people may be close to you because of mutual interest. These are your associates. By reason of further interactions, you could see them as friends but do you know their hearts? True friends will express a love that is stronger than that of blood brothers (Proverbs 18:24). Also, a true friend loves at all times (Proverbs 17:17). David and Jonathan were true friends and they were ready to do anything to protect their friendship. When you become rich, some people will attach themselves to you and some of them will be suckers - those who just want to benefit from your wealth (Proverbs 19:4; 14:20), You will be making a mistake to think such people are your friends. The day your wealth disappears, so will they. Then there are those who associate with you because you are of the same social status. To this end, the rich befriend rich people like themselves, but in their midst there is a lot of rivalry, envy and competition. Those you are richer than or those you are more brilliant than as a student or those you are prettier than as a lady would secretly be wishing that something would happen that will dwindle your competence and make them better than you. Yet you think they are your friends and you tell them your secrets. Why will such "friends" not be happy to disappoint you when you really need them, especially if that would help them have an edge over you? So Micah 7:5 warns that you do not put your trust in your friends. The only friend you can have that will always be with you and will never betray you is Jesus Christ. As you receive Him into your heart today, He will be always with you, helping you in all you do. He is genuinely interested in every area of your life so do not hide anything from Him.

If you have all the friends in the world but do not have Jesus Christ as your friend, you will never experience what true friendship is.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional
Written by: Pastor E.A. Adeboye
Open Heavens Online
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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

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