Tuesday, November 1, 2011

TUE, 1/11/2011 - - READY TO GO? - - OPEN HEAVENS - - KINGDOM 28

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Memorise: "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" (Matt 24:42).


Read: Matthew 24:36-42 


“Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit" (Eccl 7:8 ).

This scripture is true of believers: Why? They started as sinners and ended as saints. And Isaiah 3:10 says it shall be well with the righteous. Are you a believer in Christ living daily before God in righteousness? Fear Not! It shall be well with you. It does not matter how seemingly bad things may appear today, your end shall be great. On the other hand, this scripture does not hold true for unbelievers because they started as innocent babies but ending as hardened sinners. For sinners, things shall continue to get worse. Believers will be spared the trouble of going through the Great Tribulation as they will be caught up to meet the Saviour in the air.

Today's reading says it can be compared to the days of Noah. No drop of rain fell until Noah entered the ark. But immediately after Noah's family and the selected animals were safe in the ark, Heaven released rain and the depth released the waters. While the inhabitants of the earth were being drowned one after the other, nothing happened to those within the ark. No sinner can survive or escape God's judgement because God knows how to preserve the sinner to go through the judgement that has been prepared for them (2 Peter 2:9). Are you sinning but have not been caught or punished? It is not because you are smart. You are not. You cannot escape the judgement except you enter into Jesus Christ - God's Ark of salvation, become born again and live right.

Moreover, although Jesus Christ is coming for the church - all those who are saved and washed in His blood, not all 'Christians' will go with Him. Why? Not everyone is born again. Of those that are born again, not every one of them is living holy. Unholy believers will be left at rapture to pass through the Great Tribulation for three and a half years. That will be another chance to live right but that will be too costly. It will cost them everything - their lives, property, profession, assets, or family. The lives they could not fully yield to Christ before the rapture will now be lost to the Antichrist. They will never be at peace as they will go out of circulation to live and worship God secretly under a world-wide antichrist regime. Now that you have the opportunity, why not make yourself fully ready? Are you ready for His coming?

Prayer Point:

Father, help me to be ever ready for your coming. Help me not to be taken unawares.

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