Sunday, June 26, 2011

SUN, 26/06/2011 - - YOUR PAY DAY WILL COME

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Memorise: "For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister." (Heb 6:10).

Read: Hebrew 6:9-10 
Apart from the possibility of encountering an extraordinary blessing on an ordinary day, another lesson from the story of Moses recorded in Exodus 2:5-10, is that God has different ways of rewarding His own. Hebrews 6:10 says God does not forget your labours of love. Every seed you have sown into the Kingdom shall attract its reward. Have you been a blessing to your spiritual parents? You shall be rewarded. Every work or effort, as long as it is an act of faith, will elicit Heaven's reward. After Moses was born, his mother was able to see beyond the physical that he was a child of destiny and so, contrary to the king's decree and probably pressures from those around, she decided to hide the child until she could hide him no more. She wanted God's purpose to be accomplished in the life of her son, and so was prepared to risk her life in the process. What if the soldiers had found the boy in his hiding place? She could have lost her life. God saw her act of faith and took over from where she stopped. Eventually, God decided to pay her for her faith and sacrifice.

"And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the woman took the child, and nursed it" (Exod 2:9). God knows how to reward His children. He also has diverse ways of doing this. He can reward you directly. He can reward you through your husband, wife, child or relative; He can reward you through your place of work; He can reward you through an old but forgotten acquaintance; He can reward you through those you do not know. He can even reward you through your enemies. In the case of Moses' mother, God rewarded her faith by reuniting her son with her under the tightest security arrangement. Also, she was handsomely paid to do what she knew best - taking care of her son. She became the only Israelite woman that the government paid and protected to keep her baby alive, while all other baby boys were condemned to die. Not even the Egyptian babies got one hundredth of such a privilege! Are you afraid to take a step of faith? Go ahead and take it; you cannot tell what it will deliver to you. Are you a teacher of toddlers and teens, or are you a parent taking care of your children? Do it faithfully and the Owner, The Most High, will more than handsomely reward you.

Key Point:
Many parents will lose their earthly or eternal reward for failing to take adequate care of their children.

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