Friday, August 3, 2012

MAXIMISE YOUR SPIRITUAL NATIONALITY - Fri. 3/8/2012 - Open Heavens - RCCG Kingdom 28

Friday 3 August


Memorise: And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again. Romans 11:23

Read: Romans 11:15-24

All the fantastic promises God made to the nation of Israel were transferred to the new Israel of God birthed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 2:28-29 reveals that a displacement of natural Jews has occurred in the spirit; hence we the spiritual Jews, right now have a central place in God's heart and occupy a major place in God's agenda for the last days. From this switch, we learn that nobody is indispensable and no nation or people are indispensable. Whatever -the Lord has assigned to you, for which the grace to do it has being released, ' accept and handle it with all humility, thankfulness, faithfulness, and dedication because if otherwise handled, you can be replaced. God has no plan to replace I anyone who is faithfully occupying a position given him or her; rather he wants to add more responsibility to the fellow. You shall not be replaced in Jesus name. If you are doing something in a wrong way and you are being corrected, but you think you know better, and so you refuse to change course, you are calling for the hammer. When it falls, blame nobody but yourself.

Another lesson here is that God is never moved by outward appearance or empty promises but by action and performance. If you want to move God, perform. Put an end to empty promises or boasts! He is also not moved by outward shows but by the content of the heart. If you are a spiritual Jew - a Jew by reason of your new birth experience in Christ Jesus, you qualify to claim all the promises God made to Abraham. So what happens to the nation of Israel? To be relevant, they have to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and become a part of His Body - the Church. Such people will be spiritual Jews as well as Jews in the flesh. | However, Paul by the Spirit warns spiritual Jews not to show pride or any form of boasting because the same God who broke off the natural branches (nation of 1 Israel) and grafted us into the olive tree, is able to brake us off too. What will 1 determine whether you will remain or not are your works of faith, obedience, service and humility. Eventually, after the rapture of the church, God will resume His plan for the nation of Israel. Maximise your spiritual nationality while you have the opportunity.

List out 20 covenant blessings of a spiritual Jew. How many of these have you benefited from? Ask God to manifest the pending promises in your life.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional
Written by: Pastor E.A. Adeboye
Open Heavens Online
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Kingdom 28
RCCG Lagos Province 28.

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