Friday, August 10, 2012

HARVEST: ANY PRIOR SEED? - Fri. 10/8/2012 - Open Heavens - RCCG Kingdom 28

Friday 10 August


Memorise: Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7

Read: Isaiah 45:11-13

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10

The lesson here is that whatever you do to God has a way of coming back to you. If you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you (James 4:8). If you obey all He commands faithfully, He will not only cause the work of His hands to obey you, but will also ask you to command Him and He will give life to your decrees (Isaiah 45:11). Some people issue decrees based on Isaiah 45:11 and Job 22:28 but are surprised when they are ignored. If your decrees are not honoured, it shows that there is something missing. You cannot reap where you did not sow. If you have not sown total obedience to His commands, your own decrees will be ignored. Obedience is reciprocal. The way you treat the Lord and the things of His Kingdom dearly shows God how He should treat you. Since the church in Philadelphia kept His Word, He too promised to keep them. The Lord will keep you from every evil, but ensure you keep His commands.

In the same vein, you can sow seeds of patience and get a harvest from it. How patient are you towards God? Some people while in church, continuously check their wrist watches as if that is what will deliver their needed miracle to them. They are so impatient with God. They are too much in a hurry when they are praying to «now God's will in marriage. If they have not received the answer by the third or sixth month, they will walk out on God and go ahead to choose for themselves. 'Who does He think He is anyway?" They would say in their hearts. It is how you deal with God that He will deal with you. King Saul was very impatient with God. How can a man of God not keep to time? So he went ahead and did what he was not Opposed to do. Some delays are designed by God to test you. If you are impatient, you will fail the test. No wonder God soon ran out of patience with him! However, David was patient with God and when he messed up, God had no choice but to be Patient with him.

Carefully write out how you want God to treat and respond to you. Go ahead and do so to Him.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional
Written by: Pastor E.A. Adeboye
Open Heavens Online
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RCCG Lagos Province 28.

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